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Now that summer is coming, can we remind you to be considerate about bonfires. There are no byelaws banning bonfires or restricting the days or times when they are acceptable but please only burn dry garden waste, not painted wood, plastics or other rubbish.

If yours prevents your neighbours from using their garden, opening their windows or hanging out their washing for example can cause distress.

Please remember that this can also be a health risk and cause distress for people with asthma and other respiratory problems.

Large or repeated bonfires may constitute a statutory nuisance or anti-social behaviour for which you can be fined.

The Parish Council have no powers in this matter and if you have complaint about bonfires please contact report it at

In the case of repeated bonfires, the Council will advice that you keep a diary to give evidence of the number and frequency of the nuisance fires.

If you think a bonfire is out of control, you should contact the Fire Brigade on 999.

Be a good egg this Easter and recycle more

The long Easter weekend is fast approaching and this will bring a change to waste collections.

 Collections will now be:

·     Good Friday 7 April: Friday collections take place on Saturday 8 April.

·     No collections on Easter Monday 10 April.

·     Easter week collections are one day later, including Friday collections on Saturday 15 April.

 Along with changes to collections, Somerset Council are asking residents to be “good eggs” this Easter and recycling as much as possible.

 Almost all Easter egg packaging can be recycled in weekly kerbside collections.

 ·     Cardboard box – flattened and into your black recycling box.

·     Aluminium foil – scrunched and into your Bright Blue bag.

·     Plastic mould – into your Bright Blue Bag.

Not yet recyclable at the kerbside or our recycling sites are chocolate bar and sweet wrappers, plastic bags and plastic-foil pouches, plastic ‘windows’ in boxes, and similar thin-soft plastic film.

Many of these plastics can be dropped off at supermarkets and some are taken in TerraCycle recycling schemes. Please check where you shop or have a look at the Council’s guide to supermarket and TerraCycle:

You can use the My Collection Day feature at to check your collection days online, download a printable calendar or, better still, add your dates to the calendar on your smart device or laptop.

For the latest news, information about services and ways to reduce waste, follow @somersetwaste on Facebook and Twitter

Somerset Council

The new unitary Somerset Council launched on 1 April 2023. The new unitary council will bring together the services provided by the four district councils in Somerset (Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton (SWT), and South Somerset) alongside the services provided by Somerset County Council and Somerset Waste Partnership.

The new Council will continue to work alongside the existing town and parish councils and their role is enhanced through new Local Community Networks.

The new website will replace the 6 websites that are currently being used by residents in Somerset.

On 1 April there will be one website for all your council services. The new Somerset Council website will use this web address: