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Useful Information

Useful information for residents                                                                                                        Link to Page

Register to vote   Elections and voting
Wessex Water’s Partner hub – Support for local people
HPC Community Bus   HPC Community Bus – 7.8.2023

Riparian Responsibilities


A guide to riparian responsibilities

Somerset Council is responsible for all kerbside household waste collections in the County. Check collection days and report missed collections on their website 

  Bins and Recycling
Somerset Council Recycling information  



Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership – offers everyone the chance to have fun, get fit and move more


Active Spaces


There are currently three defibrillators in the parish one located outside the Corner Shop and Stogursey Motors, one at the Babbling Brook Inn, Shurton and the other in the porch of St Peter’s Church in Stolford.


Think Travel

A one-stop travel information website has been launched by Somerset Council to support more local people to access public and community transport.

If you don’t own a car – or you want to leave it at home and travel more sustainably, Think Travel can help you with your transport options. Whether it’s getting to the doctors, shops, travelling to work, college, or school, or just into town to meet friends or family, the new travel planner shows you what’s available. It covers public transport, community transport, the Slinky demand responsive transport service and car sharing.

To start your search, all you need to do is enter your journey start point and destination in the planner and Think Travel will find the available options for you.

As well as information on train and bus services, there’s also a dedicated car sharing notice board you can sign up to, where offers or requests for car sharing journeys can be posted.

The aim is to grow this facility and encourage local car sharing networks to evolve.

  You can check out Think Travel here:

Highways Issues              

Somerset Council is responsible for all highway matters, from potholes to street lights even dead animals in the road.   Blocked drains, overgrown hedges can all be reported directly.  

  Problems on the roads

Flood Online Reporting Tool   

The Flood and Water Management Team at Somerset Council are interested to know if your property in Somerset has been affected by flooding.

The Flood Online Reporting Tool (FORT) has been developed to report any type of flooding that may have affected your property in the past or future events. 

Your report will help the Team to investigate flood events and may provide useful information for subsequent flood protection schemes.

  Flood Online Reporting Tool

Fly Tipping

  Prevent Fly tipping

Fly parking

  EDF Energy Positive steps to prevent fly parking



Conservation Area