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The UK’s new emergency alert system is now live


The government’s new Emergency Alerts system will be tested nationally on Sunday April 23rd.

An emergency alert is a loud, siren-like sound with a message on the screen of your mobile phone or tablet.

The system will enable people to be contacted via their mobile device when lives are in danger. Emergency alerts are sent to compatible mobile devices within an area of risk. They don’t track your location, need your phone number, or collect personal data, and only the emergency services can send them.

You can check an alert is genuine and find out more at

Somerset Waste Partnership Services (SWP)….. Changing but not changing….

From 1 April 2023 a new Somerset Council will replace the county council and four district councils and take on responsibility for all your waste services.

At SWP, all the authorities have worked together on waste services since 2007, so it will be largely business as usual.

Importantly, the collections contractor stays the same (SUEZ) as does the contractor running out recycling sites (Biffa). The SWP team behind the scenes will simply become part of the new council. In short, you shouldn’t notice the switch at all.

There will be a few tweaks though. The SWP web content will shift over to Somerset Council’s new website when it goes live at the start of April. So, the will be no more. Don’t worry you’ll still be able to do all the same things online that you can do through the current site – order containers, report missed collections, subscribe to the garden waste service, check your collections days etc.

A single phone number, 0300 123 2224, replaces district contact numbers and will be taking calls about waste services from the start of April. The new email address is

SWP will bid a fond farewell to the SWP name and branding. You’ll see some things change immediately (like the website and social media branding) and some gradually over time (like vehicle branding and signage).

This is an exciting new era and SWP look forward to their continuing work with you to waste less and recycle more.

Download a calendar for printing or, better still, download it into the calendar on your device and get automatic reminders of your collection days.

Snow, ice and freezing temperatures can disrupt collections so please bear with us in the event of severe weather. Crews will return as soon as possible for any missed collections. If conditions are bad SWP may not be able to meet our usual ‘return in two days’ target.

For information on the repair cafés and Fixy reuse van, see:

Abnormal Load movements C182 Combwich Wharf to HPC Sunday 26th March 2023

Please be advised that the transportation of equipment from Combwich Wharf northbound along the C182 to the Hinkley Point C construction site.

Due to the size and shape of this equipment, these deliveries will be managed via an escorted ‘rolling roadblock’ and will likely cause delays along this route on these dates. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Although this isn’t a full closure of the road, you may like to use an alternative route between the hours of 9am-5pm to avoid a delay on the below date:

Sunday 26 March 2023

If you do encounter part of the roadblock, please do follow the instructions of the escort team who will assist with the safe management of traffic.

If you wish to find out further details please email: or call HPC Enquiries on 0333 009 7070.

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 7 February 2023

There are between 800-1000 reports of fraud and cyber-crime every month in Avon and Somerset alone – these are just the cases that are reported. The National Crime Agency predicts that only 20 per cent of fraud incidents are reported nationally so the real figures are likely to be much higher.

Avon and Somerset Police were one of the first police forces to invest in dedicated fraud and cyber protect teams, committed to providing support to victims of fraud and educating people and businesses to help prevent them becoming victims of fraud or cyber-crime.

The teams provide a proactive response to fraud and cyber-crime by educating the public around any new or specific threats.

The fraud and cyber protect teams provide talks to many groups within the community including Womens Institutes, Rotary Clubs, care homes, schools and universities. Reaching out to 1,600 vulnerable residents they used the Meals on Wheels network to deliver Christmas cards, which contained information on how to keep safe from fraud.

Follow Avon and Somerset police on Instagram and Facebook on 7 February to catch Cyber Protect Officers’ Megan and Felix’s top tips for staying safe online on Safer Internet Day.

Working to stop people becoming victims of fraud and cyber-crime | Avon and Somerset Police

The team is also hosting a free online webinar on Monday 27 February: ‘Online Safety for Women and Girls’. The session will focus on how to keep safe online and protect personal information. It is part of a wider piece of work within our Violence Against Women and Girls strategy which, amongst other activity, focuses on empowering and educating women and girls, but the session is open to all.  You can register for this webinar at Eventbrite searching for Avon and Somerset Police Cyber Protect Team:

If you are part of a community group, school, business or parent group who would benefit from a talk on fraud prevention or cyber-crime, please email the teams at or

If you have been a victim of fraud, including fraudulent emails, do not open any attachments or click any links. Report all incidents of fraud to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre, via their website or contact 0300 123 2040. In an emergency, call 999.

Have your say on new Somerset Council planning consultation process

Somerset residents are being invited to have their say on the new Somerset Council’s approach to planning matters.

The five current Somerset councils (Mendip District Council, Sedgemoor District Council, Somerset County Council, Somerset West and Taunton Council and South Somerset District Council) are consulting the public on a draft ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ (SCI) – a single approach to planning which will be formally adopted by the new Somerset Council.

The SCI is designed to set out how Somerset Council, as the Local Planning Authority, will engage and consult with the community and stakeholders on all planning matters.

It will cite who the Council will consult with through the various stages of Local Plan preparation and what consultation methods should be used.

The consultation will run until Thursday 16 March 2023.

To view the current draft of the new Statement of Community Involvement and complete the survey, please visit