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The Parish Council is the lowest tier of Local Government, whose duties are discharged via Somerset County Council and Somerset West and Taunton Council. The parish council is governed and must comply with a set of procedures including a Code of Conduct, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

It has 10 Parish Councillors (voluntary positions) who serve the community for a period of four years until the following election (next election will be held in May 2027).  The parish council is served by an appointed Parish Clerk/Responsible Officer (a part time, paid position). The parish council meets each month – usually on the second Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise notified.

Members of the public are eligible and welcome to attend all parish council meetings, unless there are confidential matters such as discussing tenders, when they would be asked to leave the room temporarily.  A public forum takes place before each meeting where members of the public are welcome to comment on any item on the agenda.

Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings

Each year the parish council submits a request to West Somerset Council for a budget (Precept) in order to discharge its duties and responsibilities. The Precept (for FY 2024/2025) will be £38,525.

The parish council has many wide ranging duties – which as more and more areas are devolved under the Localism Act, appear to be increasing year on year!  These include:

  • Enhancements (eg Planters on the Gravel, Bus shelters, Notice Boards)
  • Public Rights of Way
  • Litter and Dog Bins
  • Closed Churchyard Maintenance
  • Planning Observations
  • Parish Lengthsman
  • Allotments
  • Statutory Obligations (Annual Audit, Insurance, Annual Accounts)
  • Allocation of Financial Grants to groups and organisations in the parish
  • Burgage Rd Play Area
  • Welcome Packs
  • Village Grounds and Maintenance
  • Representation at Meetings (Main Site Neighbourhood Forum, Community Forum, Transport Forum, Parochial Church Council, School liaison etc)
  • Hinkley C Community Impact Mitigation Fund