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Author: ParishClerk

HPC Community Bus Service Update: Disruption to services 25.7.24

There are a number of large equipment movements toward site today which will mean traffic on the Hinkley Point Road ( C182)  may experience slight delays between approx. 09:00 and 13:30.

As a consequence, the three a.m. Community Bus Services will NOT serve Combwich and Stogursey this morning, but it is hoped that the afternoon services will run as normal.

We apologise for this inconvenience and the late notice of this message.

Kind regards,
Hinkley Point C Community Relations Team

Call us 0333 009 7070

Vacancy for Parish Clerk to Stogursey Parish Council



The Parish Clerk is retiring and we are looking for a new parish clerk with effect from 1st October 2024.

This is a very varied and interesting role; duties will include:

  • Preparation for and attending monthly parish council (agendas, papers and production of minutes) and other ad hoc meetings. Meetings are mostly evenings but some may be held during the day.
  • Dealing with all correspondence, updating notice boards and the Stogursey Parish website
  • Advising the Council on legal and financial matters ensuring the Council is acting within its legal powers and responsibilities
  • Acting as Responsible Financial Officer in keeping the Council’s financial records and completing the audit process each year (including processing of invoices, PAYE, bank reconciliation and annual accounts)
  • Undertaking such other admin duties as the Council may require from time to time

The post holder will be required to work from home; office equipment (lap top computer and printer) will be provided. The time spent by the Clerk on Council business varies throughout the year, but approximates to fourteen hours per week.

Pay is in accordance with the National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) Scale LC1 points 13 (£13.95 per hour) to SCP 17(£14.95 per hour) depending on experience (pay award pending). The Parish Council contributes to the NEST PENSION scheme. In addition, allowances towards working from home and travelling costs will be made.

For an application form/ information pack and/or informal discussion, please contact the Clerk (Richard Wand) on or telephone 01278 652534

You should submit your application form (including a CV, outlining reasons why you are applying for this post and your experience) to the Clerk by 16th   August 2024. Interviews will be held in the week commencing 2nd September.

Please use Royal Mail to post your vote

Residents need to be aware that the way postal votes are received at Somerset Council offices has changed in line with national legislation.

New laws mean that when someone hands in a postal vote at a reception point or at a polling station, a Postal Vote Return form must now also be completed. This could be time-consuming.

So, voters are being encouraged to use Royal Mail and post their vote in good time for it to be counted.

Postal votes receive a speedy service from Royal Mail and are easily identified by the purple flashes marked on the envelopes. They are delivered up to 9.30pm on polling day which is why Royal Mail should be the preferred method of returning them.

Voters can check their nearest post box and collection times via Services near you | Royal Mail Group Ltd.

Postal votes can still be handed in and the relevant forms completed during office hours only at these four locations in Somerset:

  • Bridgwater House, Bridgwater
  • Shape Office, Shepton Mallet
  • West Somerset House, Williton
  • Petters House, Petters Way, Yeovil

Voters need to know that any postal votes left at offices or put in office post boxes must be rejected.

You can only vote once in the General Election

Voters registered at two addresses – such as students or those with second homes – can only vote once. You will need to choose one address and vote in only that area when you’re voting in:

  • UK Parliament elections
  • UK referendums
  • London Assembly and London Mayoral elections

You can’t vote at both addresses at these elections. Voting in more than one location is a criminal offence.

Don’t forget you need photo ID to vote on 4 July


Don’t forget you need photo ID to vote on 4 July

Time to apply for free voter ID ahead of the general election on 4 July is running out. The deadline is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June.

For the first time at a general election, voters will need to show photo ID to receive their ballot paper in polling stations. Those without an accepted type of ID can apply online for a Voter Authority Certificate, at or by applying for and submitting a paper form to Electoral Services at Somerset Council.

Applicants must be registered to vote and will need to provide their date of birth, National Insurance number and a photograph.

Those who have an accepted form of ID already do not need to apply. Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Duncan Sharkey, Acting Returning Officer for Somerset Council’s seven constituencies, said: “As the deadline to apply for free ID fast approaches, it is important that Somerset residents make sure they’re election ready. If you need any help with applying for free ID or want to request an application form, you can contact the electoral services team on 0300 123 2224 or email”

Voters also have the option to vote by post or proxy. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm Wednesday 19 June, and the deadline for a proxy vote is 5pm Wednesday 26 June.

For information on elections in their area, how to register to vote or how to apply by post or by proxy, voters can visit General Election 2024 (

Closure – High Street, Stogursey 5th to 9th August 2024

Temporary Closure of High Street

Somerset Council in exercise of its powers under Section 14 (1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act
1984 as amended, have made an Order prohibiting all traffic from proceeding along;
High Street – from the junction with Vicarage Road, eastwards for a total distance of 122 metres.
This Order will enable Wessex Water to install new customer connection.

The Order becomes effective on 02nd August 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The
works are expected to commence on 5th August 2024 and last until 9th August 2024 between the
hours of 00:00 – 23:59 for a total of 5 days.

Please visit for further information on the alternative route.

Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, you will
need to register for free with One.Network.

For information about the works being carried out please contact Wessex Water on telephone
number 0345 600 4600 quoting reference number ttro139696W(WS)

Are you registered to vote in the General Election?

Residents in Somerset are being urged to register to vote and check their Voter ID so they can have their say on who represents them in Parliament. If you are already registered and received a poll card for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections on 2 May, you do not need to take any further action.

A General Election has been called for Thursday 4 July and Somerset residents will be able to cast their vote to elect their MP. Boundaries have changed since the last General Election so there are now seven constituencies in the Somerset Council administrative area. They are: Bridgwater; Frome and East Somerset; Glastonbury and Somerton; Taunton and Wellington; Tiverton and Minehead; Wells and Mendip Hills; and Yeovil.

The Notice of Election is being published next week and the nomination period for prospective Parliamentary candidates (PPCs) closes on Friday 7 June at 4pm.

To vote, residents must be on the electoral register. With the deadline to register to vote fast approaching, Somerset Council is urging people who have not registered at their current address to make sure they are registered in time.

If you have recently turned 18 or moved home, it is particularly important that you act to ensure that you are registered to vote. If in doubt, you can check with Somerset Council on 0300 123 2224.

The deadline to register to vote is midnight on Tuesday 18 June. It takes just five minutes to apply online at deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm Wednesday 19 June.

Electors voting in person at the polling station are now required to present an accepted photo ID before being issued with their ballot paper.

Those who are registered to vote at the polling station but do not have an accepted photo ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate before the deadline at 5pm on Wednesday 26 June. You can apply online via:

Voters have a range of options for casting their vote – in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June.

If you have any questions about Voter ID or would like to request a paper form to apply for the Voter Authority Certificate, contact 0300 123 2224 or email


Closure of footpath – Shurton

Somerset Council have notified that they have had to place an emergency closure of footpath WL 23/21 near the village of Shurton in the parish of Stogursey due to an unsafe footbridge.

Temporary Closure of PUBLIC FOOTPATH WL 23/21

TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, Somerset Council hereby issues this Notice PROHIBITING ALL TRAFFIC from proceeding along Public Footpath WL 23/21 for 132 meters in a North Westerly direction from The Old Mill House to Newnham Bridge Road leading into Shurton village due to an unsafe bridge which requires replacement.

The closure will take effect from the 31st January 2024 and will remain in force for 21 days.

We are aiming to get this replaced ASAP. For information about the works being carried out please contact Sarah Cresswell


Power Cut Safety Advice from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

Power cut safety advice

If you are affected by a power cut, it is the Electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO) who is responsible for maintaining physical electricity supplies to your home or business.

You can contact your local DNO by calling 105.

If you need to light your home when you’re without power, we would prefer if you used torches and battery-powered candles rather than candles. If you must use candles, follow our candle safety advice.

Don’t try and cook using barbecues or using fires inside your home such as wood-burners.

Turn off any appliances that may be a fire risk if they switch on when the power comes back on (such as hair dryers or electric hobs).

If you’re using a portable heater such as oil or gas, keep it a good distance (at least 1 metre) from people or furniture. Do not cover them with anything that could catch fire such as clothing.

Storm safety advice

We have more advice for staying safe during Storms on our website.

If you need to get in touch with us, you can find contact details on our website.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

You can also find further information on our social media channelsFacebook, Twitter/X, Threads and Instagram.

Storm Ciaren Weds 1 & Thurs 2 November 2023

Severe weather update – key points

Somerset Council colleagues are busy preparing for possible disruption to transport, potential high winds and flash flooding events overnight on Wednesday and into Thursday, as Storm Ciaren pushes across our region.

Our teams are also on standby for any clear-up duties and assistance to vulnerable people in our communities.

The timing of rainfall, high tides and the already-saturated farmland, means there is a risk of flooding on the Somerset Levels.

Whilst the strongest winds are forecast outside of Somerset at present, we know this can change and are alert to numerous hazards – from major power outages, to flying firewood from community bonfires.

What to do

Anyone who experiences property flooding can report it online at:

FORT – Home ( or email 

If you are aware of anyone who needs support, please advise them to call 0300 123 2224 and choose option 1 during office hours.

What can I do to prepare for flooding?

Thinking ahead and preparing for what the weather may bring can make a real difference to homes, businesses and communities.

One of the first things is to check is whether a property is at risk of flooding.

Somerset Council recommends taking precautionary measures and purchasing sandbags in case of flooding emergencies. If sandbags are not available, you can use:

  • rolled-up mats or carpets
  • bags of garden compost
  • pillowcases filled with soil (don’t overfill them)
  • timber boards (possibly screwed to door frames, sealed with mastic)

Flooding and roads – key information

Heavy rain and flooding present a danger to drivers – road users are urged NOT to attempt to drive across flooded roads as it is not possible to estimate the depth of the water reliably.

It’s vital to prepare for wet conditions. Motorists are urged to proceed with extreme caution. If caught in flood conditions there is information and advice here: Adverse weather conditions (

For drain and gully problems, or any issue on the highway report it easily and quickly here – Report a problem on the road (

 What to do during a flood  

 There is information on what to do during a flood on the Somerset Prepared website.  In an immediate flood emergency or where there is a risk to life, follow the advice of the emergency services.  

What to do after a flood 

 Following a flood there will be hazards revealed as the water clears. Consider the following when recovering from the impacts of an incident.

  • Assume floodwater has been contaminated with sewage and avoid contact wherever possible. For further health advice when dealing with flood affected areas visit Public Health England
  • It’s important to stop harmful germs that might be present in floodwater from spreading to food. For advice on cleaning preparation areas after a flood visit the Food Standards Agency
  • Flooding presents a number of hazards to utilities in the home. Follow electric safety advice before switching back on.
  • Contact your insurer if you haven’t already and let them know the situation. They will advise of the next steps to take in restoring homes and belongings.
  • Reporting when a property has flooded helps the Council investigate why the flood has occurred and helps us look for possible methods to mitigate the risk of it happening again in the future.
  • Use the SWIMwebsite to update flood records/record recent flooding.

 Protect yourself from future flooding

It is advisable to plan how to respond to a flood. Information and tools are available to help you plan ahead.

Download the ‘Prepare. Act. Survive.’ flood plan to help reduce the impact of flooding.   For information on flood warnings visit the Government’s  flood warningswebpages.

Looking after yourself and mental health

We know that heavy rainfall may trigger feelings of anxiety, fear or worry, particularly for those who have been previously affected by flooding.  Here are some things you can do to help reduce any feelings of anxiety caused by heavy rainfall and the activation of local flood defences:

  • Talk to somebody about how you are feeling, if you don’t feel able to talk to friends or family you can call Mindline – Somerset’s emotional support and mental health helpline which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 01823 276 892 (local) 0800 138 1692 (freephone).
  • Try and do activities that help you to feel less stressed like exercising, reading, listening to music, or meditating.
  • Help neighbours and others in your community, look out for each other!
  • Follow your normal routine as much as possible.
  • Visit the Every Mind Matters website where you can find lots of tips and exercises to help manage anxiety.

Stay up to date on weather information and warnings. If you’re aware of the latest information, you may gain a sense of control over the situation. Check for flooding – GOV.UK (

Transportation of equipment along the C182 – Sunday 29th of October

Transportation of equipment along the C182 – Sunday 29th of October

Transportation of equipment from Combwich Wharf northbound along the C182 to the Hinkley Point C construction site.
will take place on :

Sunday 29th October between 9am – 5pm

Due to the size and shape of this equipment, these deliveries will be managed via an escorted ‘rolling roadblock’ and will take approx. 45 minutes to travel to site.

If you wish to find out further details please email: or call us on 0333 009 7070.

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Telephone Call us 0333 009 7070
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