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Beware – Cold Callers are active in our area

We have been made aware of the following by PCSO Sue from our local Neighbourhood Policing Team:

A couple of individuals are working in the area at the moment offering gardening services.

Their usual method is to cold call & offer to cut hedges etc. They will give a quote, then once the work is done, will say that it was a bigger job than initially expected, & demand further payment.

They will usually target more elderly residents whose gardens may look overgrown & untidy, thus preying on the vulnerable.

Please be vigilant, & look out for elderly /vulnerable members of the community.

If you are looking for gardening services or property maintenance, please do not succumb to these unscrupulous people- no matter how professional and friendly they may appear. Always go to a reputable firm, or someone who has been personally recommended.

If you are concerned about people behaving suspiciously or rogue traders in your area please call 101 and report it to your local neighbourhood team.

COVID 19: Are you lateral flow testing twice a week?

Lateral flow tests are extremely good at identifying when people have a lot of the virus in their system but are not displaying symptoms. To be able to see friends and family and keep them as safe as possible, testing yourself twice a week by lateral flow test is just as important as it’s always been. You can order lateral flow tests online to be delivered to your home, call 119 to have a kit home delivered through the post, or collect a kit at a local pharmacy.

For further information on lateral flow tests, including a video showing how to perform one, you can visit our website here. Just to note: now that we are in
summer, take care to store your supply of lateral flow tests somewhere cool, as the kits need to remain between 15-30 degrees Celsius.

Grant aims to tackle growing childminder shortage in Somerset

Somerset County Council is renewing its campaign to tackle a shortage of childminders across the county through a ‘Golden Hello’ grant worth £250.00.

The number of childminders in Somerset has fallen year upon year, in line with what is a national picture.  The number of registered childminders in the county has decreased by over 31% since September 2015.

In response, Somerset County Council has been working hard to boost numbers and is extending an initiative aimed at encouraging more people to start their own childcare business.

The grant is available to new childminding businesses offering early years funded places who apply before 28 February 2022.

The Council also offers guidance and training to newly registered childminders and supports them through Ofsted registration and beyond.

Would-be childminders can get information and advice at two upcoming short, informal virtual sessions. Anyone interested is urged to register through online booking website Eventbrite through the following links:

  1. Thursday 24 June (10-10.30am) –
  2. Wednesday 21 July (6.30-7pm) –

Hosted by the Council’s Early Years team, the events offer an opportunity to find out more, including what is needed in terms of training and qualifications.

Whether you are thinking about what to do after leaving school, are already working with children or you’re looking for a career change, the team will have information to help you make the right choices.

Emma Stradling set up Millmoot’s Little Boots childcare in February 2021. Although Emma has only been childminding for just over a year, she finds it works well for her and her young family. Emma said: “Childminding gives me the flexibility to care for others while also looking after my own children.  I love that every day is different, and every child is different with their own unique personality and needs.

“I live on a farm in Cossington, around five miles north of Bridgwater. There’s always something happening on the farm to involve the children in. Recently, it was so lovely to see their excitement when our lambs were born.

“It’s always busy but loads of fun. I really can’t imagine myself doing anything else now. Anyone thinking of becoming a childminder should go for it. It’s a fantastic job and is so rewarding.”

Councillor Frances Nicholson, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: “The pandemic has had an impact on us all and made many people re-evaluate what is important to them. Becoming a professional childminder may be the ideal opportunity for some.

“I would encourage anyone who loves children and wants to give them the best start in life, while also working flexibly from their own home, to take advantage of this scheme and the County Council support that is on offer.”

Support is also available to childminders through a county-wide network of Early Years Communities, assisted by officers within the Early Years Team at Somerset County Council. The networks arrange continuous professional development (CPD) events as well as offering practitioners peer-to-peer support.

To find out more about becoming a childminder, and for an information pack please call 0300 123 2224 or visit

Spark iT

In partnership with Barclays and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, we are delighted to announce the launch of Spark iT, our new project which aims to tackle digital exclusion in Somerset and help people to access health care online.

The Spark iT Helpdesk is now live, and anybody in Somerset who is digitally excluded can get in touch for free IT support with a range of activities. This might include using IT equipment, connecting with others online or accessing local support and services that could improve their health and wellbeing.

The Helpdesk is available Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm on 01458 550977.

We are also recruiting a bank of Digital Champion volunteers who will receive training from the Barclays Digital Eagles and offer additional 1-2-1 support. You can find out more and sign up here.

For further information about Spark iT, please click here or email Verity Baum, Digital Inclusion Project Manager,

C182 rolling road blocks – Sunday 6th June 2021 – 0800 to 1500

Preparing for deliveries at Combwich Wharf

As we prepare for the operational phase of Combwich Wharf, which will see large loads being delivered by sea, we’re keen to hear from you.

We will be pulling together a booklet of information so you know what to expect, the best ways to stay up to date and be notified of movements on local roads.

If there is any particular information which you think residents might be interested to hear about, please do let us know.

Escort Training – this Sunday  6th June 2021

It’s not just the Community Relations team who are preparing for the operational phase at the wharf, our delivery team are also gearing up to escort large loads from Combwich Wharf to our main site.

As part of these preparations, a training session will take place on Sunday 6th June, simulating a delivery of a large load from Combwich Wharf to main site. The session will include 3 rolling road blocks on the C182 between Combwich and the main site, between 0800 – 1500. Each rolling road block is expected to last approximately 30 minutes. This method, opposed to a complete road closure, ensures we are minimising disturbance to local residents.

Thank you for your patience and support whilst we undertake this training.

Hinkley Point C – Community Relations Team