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Why fresh air is so important in controlling Covid-19

Ventilation is the process of introducing fresh air into indoor spaces while removing stale air. Letting fresh air into indoor spaces can help remove air that contains virus particles and prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

When someone with COVID-19 breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, they release particles (droplets and aerosols) containing the virus that causes COVID-19. While larger droplets fall quickly to the ground, smaller droplets and aerosols containing the virus can remain suspended in the air. If someone breathes in virus particles that are suspended in the air, they can become infected with COVID-19. This is known as airborne transmission.

In poorly ventilated rooms the amount of virus in the air can build up, increasing the risk of spreading COVID-19, especially if there are lots of infected people in the room. The virus can also remain in the air after an infected person has left.

Bringing fresh air into a room and removing older stale air that contains virus particles reduces the chance of spreading COVID-19. The more fresh air that is brought inside, the quicker any airborne virus will be removed from the room.

Ventilation is most important if someone in your household has COVID-19 or if you are indoors with people you do not live with.

Good ventilation has also been linked to health benefits such as better sleep and fewer sick days off from work or school.

Big changes to modernise marriage registration

Big changes to modernise marriage registration

New legislation coming into force this week is set to modernise marriage registration for the first time since 1837.

The Marriage Schedule System will move away from the current paper register (the traditional book which is signed by the couple and their witnesses) to a more secure system for keeping marriage records.

The electronic register will also allow for the names of multiple parents of the couple to be included in the marriage entry and on marriage certificates – previously only fathers’ names were included. This move brings the system in line with the one already used for registering Civil Partnerships.

Couples will notice two main differences when it comes to their ceremonies. Firstly, they will not sign in an old-fashioned register book, but instead they and their witnesses will sign a single sheet of paper called a ‘Schedule’ that is unique to the couple.

Secondly, it will no longer be possible to provide a marriage certificate on the day of the ceremony. Couples will be legally married from the moment they say their vows, but certificates will now be posted to them within five working days.

Couples who have already given notice do not need to take any special steps. Somerset County Council’s Registration Service will take care of all the changes to paperwork and will give couples the option of adding extra parents to the schedule on their big day.

The new changes will present a technical hitch for some couples. Some honeymoon offers require proof of marriage to validate a special offer, or the couple may be travelling to a country where couples must be legally wed to share a room. As the certificate will not be available for up to five working days, couples are advised to check in advance what other proof businesses or travel destinations will accept.

Genevieve Branch, Somerset County Council Service Manager for Registration Services, said: “Registrars across the county are being prepped for the new changes, and our Somerset team are excited to start implementing the new, more inclusive system. With more streamlined paperwork behind the scenes and a better representation of modern families on couples’ landmark documents, this really is a welcome move for the wedding industry.”


Director of Public Health urges those with Covid-19 symptoms to book PCR test

Somerset residents are being reminded that they need to book a PCR test if they are showing symptoms of Covid-19, or have tested positive using a ‘lateral flow’ (rapid) test kit.

While the ‘lateral flow’ tests are a useful screening tool, the PCR test is considered the ‘Gold Standard’ and should be taken by anyone who is displaying symptoms of Covid-19, including a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to their sense of smell.

Also, if anyone takes a ‘lateral flow’ test at home and gets a positive result, they should book a further PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test at a local Covid testing site to confirm the result.

Trudi Grant, Director of Public Health for Somerset County Council, said: “It is really important to understand the difference between the ‘lateral flow’ tests and the PCR test.

“The ‘lateral flow’ tests are only to be used by those displaying no symptoms. While they are a valuable guide, they should not be relied upon alone. Taking a PCR test will provide confirmation of the result.

“So, if you are displaying symptoms or have tested positive using a ‘lateral flow’ test, please book a PCR test. As society starts to open up again, everyone needs to play their part to keep the virus under control and this involves testing.”

You can book or request a PCR test online or by calling 119.

The ‘lateral flow’ tests for those displaying no symptoms are available via the Universal Testing Offer. Please also remember to log any positive or negative result following a ‘lateral flow’ test taken at home.

Trudi added: “The main form of defence against catching and spreading Covid-19 is still ‘hands, face, space and fresh air’ – remember to wash your hands regularly, try not to touch your face unless you have clean hands, wear a face covering if you can and keep your distance from others. And, even if vaccinated, it’s still important you take part in twice-weekly LFT testing and ensure you take a PCR test if you are symptomatic.”

Somerset young people invited to take part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Following the recent death of HRH The Prince PhilipDuke of Edinburgh, Somerset’s Duke of Edinburgh Award team have set themselves a challenge to find 100 young people of any ability aged 14-24 to take part remotely in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.

Young people inspired by the recent media attention about the DofE charity are encouraged to get in touch to learn new skills, take part in physical activities and gain an award at the end.

The Somerset DofE team is experienced in working with young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to create an individual and flexible plan to support any young person to achieve their award.

Those who started an award at a school, college or in a group such as Guides or Scouts, but didn’t finish are also encouraged to get in touch as the team can help them locate their old account details and provide support to achieve an award.

Carol Authers, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Operations Manager at Somerset County Council, said: “We want to acknowledge the Duke’s amazing legacy and inspiring impact on generations of young people by ensuring that every young person in Somerset has the opportunity to take part.

“The awards have a strong commitment to inclusivity, so we encourage all young people to apply regardless of background, circumstance, culture, religion and ability. The valuable skills that they learn equip them to succeed in life.”

A Somerset Bursary Fund offers grants to enable disadvantaged young people in Somerset to complete a DofE programme.

Those aged between 14-24 living in Somerset who would like to know more are encouraged to get in touch by emailing

Since the DofE Awards began in 1956, over 6.7 million young people in the UK have participated.  Young people do DofE programmes at one of three progressive levels. When successfully completed, this leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. For more information about the scheme, visit:

Vote safely in the local elections next week

The coronavirus pandemic has stopped us doing a lot of things over the last year, but it won’t stop you from being able to vote in the local elections on Thursday 6 May.

Voting in person at a polling station will be a bit different this year in order to help keep everyone safe:

  • A face covering – you will need to wear a face covering when you go in to the polling station, unless you are exempt.
  • Hand sanitiser – this will be available at the entrance/exit of polling stations. Make sure that you use it before and after you cast your vote.
  • Your own pen or pencil – it is advisable to bring your own pen or pencil this year. Don’t worry, if you forget there will be clean pencils available.
  • Keep your distance – social distancing measures will be in place and will be well signposted. It might mean that you have to queue so please factor this in to your plans and leave extra time.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of coronavirus, or have been asked to self-isolate, please don’t put others at risk by going to a polling station to vote in person. You can nominate an emergency proxy (someone you trust to cast your vote for you) until 5.00pm on polling day.