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Allen & Deb –   01278 732304

Will take orders over the telephone and arrange delivery.   Card payment over the phone.




Vijay & Sutha – 01278 733247

Will take orders over the telephone and arrange delivery.   Card payment over the phone.


Croft Family Butchers, Cannington

Free home delivery service for everyone in the local area.

Can deliver fresh or cooked ready to eat meat, and dairy products. Will also deliver produced from the Village Bakery

Tel: Mike White 01278 652230

Blackmore Farm, Cannington

Fresh ready meals, soups main courses, desserts (including cottage pies, stews and salads)

Tel: Ian White 01278 651154 between 10am and 3pm or email

Deliveries to Stogursy, Tuesday Thursday & Saturday

Easter orders to be placed by Wed 8 April 2020



Paisleys Farm Shop

Delivery of vegetable, fruit and salad within a 5 mile radius.

Delivery days will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Telephone Stig & Audrey on 01278 732207 from 10am until 4pm seven days a week.

Large vegetable box £20 / Fruit box £15 / Fruit & vegetable box £20  /  Salad box £10

Website for full details. or Facebook: paisleysfarmshop








The Parish Council recommend you read the NHS’s information for most up-to-date and reliable information here: NHS website.

(We are not qualified to provide health advice!)

Only phone the 111 service if you cannot get help you need online.

Please stay away from the Medical Centres if you have a new cough or temperature to protect other patients and staff.

What we can all do:
The single most important thing we can all do in order to slow down transmission of the virus is to promote good infection control. These are simple things we can all do to reduce the risk of respiratory and other infections such as seasonal colds and flu:

  • Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Then bin the tissue, and wash your hands, or use a sanitiser gel.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport. Use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.


We will try to refer you to those providing practical help where we can, such as collecting prescriptions from the Medical Centre or groceries from the local shop, or to shops or organisations that will provide home deliveries etc.

You may get offers of help from neighbours who you don’t know. Mostly they will be genuine offers from concerned people in the community, but please be aware that there are already criminals taking advantage of the situation. Be very careful of giving your bank card or bank details to people you do not know and trust, don’t advertise openly stating you are vulnerable, don’t share more personal information than absolutely necessary.

Home Care (as at Fri 13 March): Somerset County Council say they have well-rehearsed plans in place and continue to work closely to ensure their services continue and that their most vulnerable residents are supported during the outbreak. Further information will be made available when we get it.


Please remember your neighbours, especially those who are elderly or vulnerable. Please check they are OK. Can you help them with shopping, collecting prescriptions etc? If you don’t know how to approach this, maybe put a note through the door with your details.

Can you help in the community – if you can spare some time, please let us know.




For communities from Somerset County Council

 The number of UK cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continue to increase across the UK, including Somerset where we had our first confirmed cases over the weekend.

For most people, COVID-19 produces mild symptoms. These include a cough, high temperature (fever) and shortness of breath, and you’ll be fine after plenty of rest. However, for some (older people or those with an underlying health condition), it can lead to severe respiratory issues. We can all do our bit to reduce its spread: wash your hands regularly with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, try to avoid touching your face (particularly nose, eyes and mouth), wipe down surfaces and objects regularly and use a tissue if you cough, then bin it.

New social distancing measures in place

In a bid to curb its spread, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced earlier this week new ‘social distancing’ measures, which mean changes in the way we work, the way our partners work and will affect us all.

These new measures include: if anyone in your household develops a fever or persistent cough, you must all stay home for 14 days; everyone is advised to stop all non-essential contact with others – this is especially important for the over 70s, people with underlying health conditions and pregnant women; work from home if you can and avoid pubs, clubs and theatres. And as of this evening, all UK schools will close from this Friday for the foreseeable future.

How communities can help

We’d like to urge everyone to continue to look out for friends, family, neighbours and the community, but most of all yourself. It’s important you stay safe, so you can continue to help others.

If you are aware of local social media ‘Coronavirus’ groups, please continue to share them on Facebook or with the local town/parish council, as this ensures help is received by those in the community who need it most.

Also, please remind people who need support to:

  • Not put a sign on your door openly stating you are vulnerable
  • Don’t share more personal information than absolutely necessary
  • Don’t share bank or card details or give people your cards to make purchases
  • Contact the organisers of the group if someone asks you to pay more for something than you normally would.

Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK is compiling a list of local groups set up on social media in an effort to share learning, resources and support. To find out what groups may be in your area, or to register a group, go to:

The Community Council for Somerset (community / village agents) are already working in communities with different groups and individuals to make sure the vulnerable are identified and supported. Local village agent details can be found at

‘Spark Somerset’ are also looking at what support they can provide to voluntary sector organisations and community groups locally, including looking to identify charities who may be needing help from volunteers. To find out more visit:

To keep up-to-date with all the latest information, visit the NHS site at


Stogursey Parish Council update re Coronavirus

Stogursey Parish Council update re Coronavirus situation

Dear Friends.

As you can imagine, there are many concerns, anxieties and worries about the situation likely to be confronting us over the next few months!

The Parish Council has been approached by numerous people asking what they are going to do to assist parishioners through this growing crisis?

At this time I think that it is important for Stogursey Parish to do what it does best, and look after each other.

The advice given today, Monday 16th March, is that we are being asked to reduce contact with others.

We all know people who are vulnerable, be that age related, or as a result of health problems. Please, you all know someone that is likely to need help, let them know that they can rely on you for help.

Information from central and local government is not to visit places frequented by other groups – “social distancing”. This will restrict the ability for people to meet each other. Don’t let your neighbours feel isolated or lonely. Phone them, call around and at a distance (1.5m) find out whether they are ok.

The situation is at this time, fluid to say the least. I get the impression that it will become even more difficult by the end of the week.


Chris Morgan.

Chair, Stogursey Parish Council

Stogursey Parish Annual Assembly – Wed 8 April 2020

The Annual Assembly is an opportunity for parishioners on the electoral roll for Stogursey to raise any matters of concern to them that relates to the local community.

It would be helpful to have written notice of any matters to be raised, to provide time for an answer to be prepared if necessary,.  If you do have an issue to be raised please contact the parish clerk on 

However, it is not essential – matters can be raised at the meeting without prior notice.

What is the Annual Assembly?
Strictly this is the Annual Meeting of the Parish. It can also be known as the Annual Parish Meeting, they are all the same thing.
The Annual Assembly is the meeting where the parish council report to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year
Electors, public and press are invited are the to hear reports from the Chairman, District & County Councillors, community groups and any organisation that the town or parish council has funded during the year.
The Council may also invite the local community policeman, neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, local headmaster etc. to address and inform the audience on community matters.
The Annual Assembly  is a SEPARATE meeting from the Parish Council Annual Meeting. The Annual Assembly should be a relatively informal event for the community whereas the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is a formal council meeting.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council must be held in the month of May and in an election year the meeting must be held between 4 and 14 days after polling day. This is the meeting of the parish council where they elect the chairman, make other annual appointments and review their insurance, risk management policies, etc.

When must the Annual Assembly  be held?
The annual Assembly must be held between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive) each year on a date decided by the Parish Council. 
The Annual Parish Meeting may not start earlier than 6:00pm. (LGA 1972 s 14 (4)).  It is recommended that in an election year the Annual Parish Meeting should be held after the elections to prevent the meeting being used as hustings for potential District and County Councillors.

There should be an opportunity for the public and press to express their opinions on what the council are doing during the meeting.