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How the England Coast Path can benefit your tourism business

If you run a tourism and hospitality business on the England Coast Path or South West Coast Path in Somerset and Exmoor we’re running SIX FREE WORKSHOPS exploring how to use the Coast Path to your advantage to attract visitors, promote your business and make the most out of your location on one of England’s National Trails.

FREE Digital Online Training funded by the Hinkley Tourism Action Partnership

Join Get Outside in Somerset for the Active Autumn Challenge


The nights are drawing in and temperatures are cooling off, but Somerset’s great outdoors is still open and getting our daily dose of fresh air during autumn is more important than ever.

To help encourage people to stay active and keep moving in October, the Get Outside in Somerset project is launching the Active Autumn Challenge. The challenge encourages participants to mix up their daily local exercise with a range of different ideas to help them have fun and stay healthy.

Time spent moving outside can help boost your mood, sharpen your focus, reduce stress, and improve sleep.

Anyone who fancies having a go can download the Active Autumn Challenge calendar here: Full Pack – Active Autumn ( Ideas include something for all ages and levels of fitness, from paddleboarding to blackberry picking, to having a ‘leaf confetti’ photoshoot.

People are being encouraged to share their Active Autumn Challenge photos and videos on social media using #GetOutsideActiveAutumn.

The Get Outside in Somerset project is a joint initiative from Somerset Activity and Sport Partnership (SASP), The Community Council for Somerset (CCS), Spark Somerset, and Somerset Wildlife Trust, funded by Somerset County Council Public Health.

Jane Knowles, SASP Chief Executive Officer said: “It’s tempting to let the cooler days allure you into hibernation. But there are lots of activities best done in Autumn, from stargazing to pumpkin picking, and crafting to wildlife spotting.

“That’s why we have created the Active Autumn Challenge, there is a different activity to enjoy every day, or mix things up if the activity doesn’t suit you on that day.”

Cllr Clare Paul, Somerset County Council Cabinet Member for Public Health, said: “The Active Autumn Challenge is a good way to get inspired into keeping fit and includes activity ideas that work for families, groups or individuals. Being outdoors and exercising is so important for our mental and physical wellbeing, and this is a great initiative to promote those benefits.”

Visit the website to meet the Get Outside local ambassadors for tips, inspiration and guidance on how and where to get active outdoors. The website includes regularly updated information about activities in Somerset, and you can narrow down your search by location or the type of activity you are interested in. From yoga in the park, fishing and geocaching to cycling, climbing and forest bathing, there is something for everyone.

If you are going to Bridgwater Fair….

Every year Sedgemoor District Council hosts a historic outdoor travelling funfair and market near the centre of Bridgwater, Somerset. The funfair on St Matthews Field, TA6 7HD is organised by the Showman’s Guild with Sedgemoor District Council organising the market elements of the event. Bridgwater Fair attracts crowds from far a field and is recognised as the largest fair in the South West with roughly 40,000 visitors each year.

This annual event, which dates back to the Charter of King John, is now almost 800 years old, the last 600 years of which have been spent on St Matthews Field.  The Charter decreed that the four day fair was to start annually on the last Wednesday in September.

  • 2021’s Bridgwater Fair will start on Wednesday 29th September and ends on Saturday 2nd October.

Opening times:

Opening and closing times for the fun fair are usually:

  • 11:00am to 11:00pm Wednesday;
  • 1:00pm to 11:00pm on Thursday;
  • 1:00pm to 11:30pm on Friday and
  • 11:00am to 11:00pm on Saturday.

The West Street market usually opens:

  • 10:00am to 10:00pm Wednesday;
  • 10:00am to 10:00pm on Thursday;
  • 10:00am to 10:00pm on Friday and
  • 10:00am to 10:00pm on Saturday.

Following tradition, the Fair will be officially opened on ‘Fair Wednesday’ at 11:30am by Sedgemoor District Council’s Chairman and the Mayor of Bridgwater.

Road closures and prohibition of on-street parking:

Detailed road closure information is displayed in the notice section of the Bridgwater Mercury at least twice in the run-up to the event, usually late August and mid-September.

Road closures come into place at 9:00am Tuesday 28th September 2021 and are lifted at 10:00am on Sunday 3rd October 2021. West Street, Milton Place, St Matthews Green, Westover Green and St Matthews Field are affected by road closures. Diversion routes will be in place.

Prohibition of parking (and traffic coning) will be in place along many surrounding streets including Northfield, Durleigh Road (to the junction of Woodbury Road), Park Road and Albert Street from 8:00pm on Monday 27th September 2021 until 10:00am on Sunday 3rd October 2021.

Westfield Close and Halswell Close will be residents permit only.  If residents park without a permit then they are  liable to a parking fine.

Car parking:

As in previous years limited parking will be available Thursday to Saturday of fair week, with the Rotary Club of Bridgwater which is located on the Fairfield and costs of £5.00 per vehicle.


Additional public parking is usually available at the YMCA in Friarn Avenue and at Bridgwater Cricket Club on Durleigh Road.

Please note there are additional car parks within the town centre but these are not operated by Sedgemoor District Council.

West Street and Fairfield Markets:

The markets we know today, with their stalls set-up through West Street, as well as the one-day horse and goods market held at the top of St Matthews Field, are very different to the original fairs of 800 years ago. The West Street market runs from Wednesday morning to Saturday evening. The Fairfield market runs all day on ‘Fair Wednesday’ (the last Wednesday in September).

Traders from across the UK attend the West Street and Fairfield markets with products ranging from clothing and shoes, rugs and cushions, bulbs and plants, china and pottery, as well as culinary delights such as the famed welsh cakes, brandy snaps, preserves and jams and much more.

Please see a map highlighting the locations of the West Street and Fairfield Markets and the parking days for the Fairfield Market.


Temporary cabin toilets, provided by Sedgemoor District Council, are available behind the One Stop shop next to West Bow House, behind Westfield House on West Street and behind the Horse and Jockey Public House on Fairfield. Temporary cabin toilets, including disabled accessible toilets, are also provided behind the Horse and Jockey Public House on Fairfield.

First Aid:

First Aid during the event is provided by St Johns Ambulance. This service is situated in Westfield Church car park, West Street, from Wednesday to Saturday of fair week. First Aid provision is funded by Sedgemoor District Council.

Alcohol at the Fair:

Visitors to the Fair should be aware that West Street, St Matthews Field and most of the surrounding area are covered by the Council’s Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).  This is an Order designed to tackle nuisance arising from people acting antisocially through drinking excessively in public places. The Order gives the Police and PCSO’s the power to confiscate alcohol within the PSPO area. These powers will be vigorously enforced and anybody bringing alcohol into West Street or St Matthews Field especially can expect to be challenged and may be required to surrender their alcohol. Only alcohol in plastic cups purchased from the hatch at the Horse and Jockey and consumed within the vicinity will be permitted.





Vaccination Buddies are still here to help people to make informed decisions about their COVID-19 vaccination

Vaccination Buddies are still here to help people to make informed decisions about their COVID-19 vaccination; they can even help Portuguese and Polish speakers!

In Somerset, the majority of adults have now had both their Covid-19 jabs, but there are some people who don’t feel comfortable with the vaccination. Have you encountered people who have questions and concerns about the Covid-19 vaccine that you haven’t had the time or knowledge to answer? Or maybe you have some questions yourself? We can help!

Our team of Vaccination Buddy volunteers can offer 1-2-1 advice over the phone to anybody in Somerset who is worried about having the vaccine, or maybe their second jab.

Vaccination Buddies come from all walks of life and can speak a range of languages including Dutch, Portuguese, German, Polish, Italian and French. They have undergone full training from Public Health at Somerset County Council. They cannot however, offer medical advice.

You can request a phone call with a Vaccination Buddy VIA THIS FORM. (Referral forms also available in Polish and Portuguese. )We will then get in touch to arrange a suitable time.