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Slinky Bus service returns to the Parish

The “Slinky” bus service has restarted in Somerset. Slinky is an accessible bus service for people who can’t use conventional transport.

Stogursey is to be serviced on a Wednesday only, provided by Mendip Community Transport. Somerset County Council will be monitoring the usage, depending on the take up, the service may be extended.

The phone number for users appears to be 01749 880948, but there is a form to be completed and sent back prior to a user booking the service. You can download the form from this link:  Sedgemoor-Slinky-Registration form

Their website is not up to date as there are new leaflets to be produced outlining the areas covered, etc.

Hopefully we will be supplied with the updated information, but we would suggest any potential users make direct contact with Mendip Community Transport.

Contrary to their out of date website information Stogursey Parish is not being classed as West Somerset for this service, but “Sedgemoor South” and Mendip Community Transport cover Sedgemoor South.

The service can be used for a variety of purposes, including getting to health appointments, visiting friends and relatives, going shopping and as a link to other public transport.

You can use the Slinky bus if you do not have access to a public bus service, due either to location, or accessibility issues. The Slinky service can be used by people of all ages.

If you are eligible you will first need to register as a member of the scheme. You must fill in a registration form and return it to the booking office before you use the service for the first time.

You can then book a journey by contacting your booking office at least 24 hours before you want to travel. Trips can be booked up to two weeks in advance.

For journeys up to 3 miles
Single: £2.50
Return: £4

For journeys over 3 miles
Single: £3.50
Return: £5

There is a 50% fare for English National Concessionary Travel Scheme passes on all SLINKY services within Somerset. You will need to show your pass every time you travel.

Half fares will be:

£1.30 for a single journey up to 3 miles – £2.00 return

£1.80 for a single journey over 3 miles – £2.50 return

Somerset Student County Tickets are also valid on Slinky services.

Play Area, Paddons Farm

In recent correspondence a resident was advised by a Planning Officer of Somerset West and Taunton Council in respect of the lack of accessible play area  on the Paddons Farm estate as follows:-

“The Council does expect Strongvox to maintain and make available the existing play space  for use by  children until such time  as the new play area becomes available. This is a requirement of the Section 106 legal agreement variation that facilitates the development.

As there are only a limited number of enforcement officers in the Council area we are , to an extent, reliant  upon the public to  contact us  with details of breaches of planning permissions that irk them. I would advise you , and/or your neighbours , to contact the Council  (with specific  dates and times , if possible) if you notice that the play space is closed and none is available for use.”

The Somerset West and Taunton Council online reporting system is available via this link

You can enrol for an account or continue without an account, at the following screen choose Planning and Development, then complete the questions, if you have photographs, you can add them to the entry and then submit your report.


Picture containing a view of Paddons Farm Play area, extract from Google Street view dated 2011

Safer Somerset – County Lines initative

County Lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas (within the UK), using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of ‘deal line’. They are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults to act as runners to move (and store) the drugs and money. They will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) and weapons.

‘Cuckooing’ is a method commonly associated with County Lines, where non-local offenders – often heroin and crack cocaine dealers – take over the homes of local residents to create bases from which they supply local drugs markets. From cases nationally and locally, it is understood that this method can often involve serious violence, coercion and manipulation, often targeting vulnerable people such as drug users, single mothers and people with learning disabilities.

Children often don’t see themselves as victims or realise they have been groomed to get involved in criminality. So, it’s important that we all play our part to understand County Lines and speak out if we have concerns.

The signs to spot

A young person who is involved in County Lines activity might show some of these signs

  • persistently going missing from school or home, or being found out-of-area
  • unexplained acquisition of money, clothes or mobile phones
  • excessive receipt of texts or phone calls
  • relationships with controlling, older individuals or gang association
  • parental concerns, and leaving home or care without explanation
  • suspicion of self-harm, physical assault or unexplained injuries
  • significant decline in school performance and changes in emotional wellbeing
  • Young people seen in different cars and taxis driven by unknown adults
  • Young people seeming unfamiliar with their community or where they are

What to do if you have concerns

The best advice is to trust your instincts. Even if someone isn’t involved in County Lines drug dealing, they may be being exploited in some other way, so it’s always worth speaking out.

If you are a young person who is worried about your involvement, or a friend’s involvement in County Lines, a good option is to speak to an adult you trust and talk to them about your concerns.

Safer Somerset Partnership has launched a county wide County Lines campaign in partnership with Crimestoppers in a bid to stop illegal drug related criminal activity operating in the area.

If you are concerned for the welfare of a child or young person, please contact the police on 101 (or 999 if urgent). If you have information that will help the police investigate this crime but wish to remain anonymous you can contact online or phone 0800 555111.


Illegal drugs activity is nothing new, but the risk of serious violence, the sophistication of the method and the targeted exploitation of vulnerable members of our communities makes County Lines a priority area of work for the Partnership and for this reason, Safer Somerset Partnership is delighted to present Somerset’s first County Lines Strategy.

Somerset County Lines Strategy – 2020-21

Sir Reginald Neville Howse VC – Local Hero

Sir Reginald Neville Howse VC – Local Hero

By Steve Lee

For nearly twenty five years now I have been part of a small research team of four who collate information and record memorials to those awarded the Victoria Cross (VC), Britain’s highest military gallantry award for actions in the face of the enemy. The aim of the group has always been to create a definitive record of all memorials worldwide in order to ensure that no VC is ever forgotten. The work is currently being added to a memorial website

Living in Somerset I have a particular interest in all VCs connected to the county which brings me to the purpose of this article. Although he spent much of his life in Australia, Sir Neville Reginald Howse VC was born in Stogursey on 26th October 1863, much of his life is well document but I have been unable to find much out about his early life in Somerset. Through this article I was hoping that someone in the area may be able to tell me more about Sir Neville’s early life. There are many references to him being born in Stogursey but none give anything more specific and this is one of many questions I’d hope to find the answer to. Local knowledge tends to be a very useful resource so with this in mind I’d appeal to anyone who may know more to contact me via the email address below or on the telephone number also included.

What is commonly known is that Sir Neville was the son of Alfred and Lucy Howse; Alfred was a surgeon. He attended Fullard’s House School, Taunton and went on to study medicine at London Hospital (M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P). Due to declining health he migrated to New South Wales where he registered to practice in December 1889.

In January 1900, he was commissioned into the New South Wales Medical Corps and sailed out to South Africa to help with the Australian Forces during the Second Boer War. During action at Vredefort on 24th July ‘he went out under heavy crossfire and picked up a wounded man and carried him to a place shelter’. For this act he was awarded the Victoria Cross.

His achievements after this point continued to show how remarkable a man he was, his contribution to medical care, particularly in the Armed Forces doubtlessly saved many lives. I do him little credit by not expanding on his life after his VC action but I’m mindful of not taking up to much of your local publications.

In conclusion, I appeal to anyone who may be able to add any information regarding his early days in Stogursey to contact me. My email address is or telephone 07551191070.

I’d also be very keen to look at the possibility of erecting some form of memorial to Sir Neville in the village which I’d hope would be befitting of a very special ‘Son of Stogursey’.