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SCC Libraries re-opening and new order and collect service

We are very pleased to announce that as part of the phased reopening of library buildings, the order-and-collect service which was launched on July 6th in Taunton has now been extended so that collections of up to 10 books can also be picked up from Frome, Yeovil, Minehead or Bridgwater libraries when they begin re-opening on July 13th. Further details of opening times and which services are available can be found on our website, or on Facebook and Twitter

By filling in a Reading Request form, customers will receive a selection of up to ten hand-picked books, DVD’s or talking books, based on the types of authors or genres that are of interest to them. Requests can be made either by emailwebsite or telephone (0300 123 2224) and the selection of books, talking books, and DVDs will be available for collection at a pre-arranged convenient time for people to pick up. No hire charges or overdue charges will be applied.

Internet access will be available in libraries that are open, but it will be primarily for users who don’t have home internet access and require essential services. Computers will need to be pre-booked and will be available for one-hour slots. Each computer and workstation will be thoroughly cleaned between bookings and there will be at least a 2m distance between desks.

Customers can return any items currently on loan to any libraries that are open, but customers are being encouraged not to make an unnecessary journey to do this. All current loans that would have been due back during the lockdown period have been extended to the end of August, and any overdue charges that customers might have incurred as a result of library closures due to COVID-19 have been waived. It is hoped that all Somerset libraries, with the possible exception of a few community-managed libraries, will be open again by mid-August.

The Somerset Mobile Library Service is also back on the road and the Home Library Service, delivered in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Service, has started to deliver books to people unable to leave their homes.

Finally, just a reminder to follow our Facebook and Twitter posts for some engaging content including videos made by library staff, activities, quizzes, news and links to other useful resources.

John Carter

Senior Development Officer

Somerset Libraries

B3S, County Hall, Taunton, Somerset.  TA1 4DY

Twitter: @SomersetLib

NHS – Shaping Services Survey

During the Covid-19 pandemic, people who work in health and care services and the voluntary and community sector across the South West have offered new choices to patients and the public, for example, by making more use of online and telephone appointments.

With the initial peak of the Covid-19 pandemic now past, the NHS needs to reintroduce and revitalise non-Covid-19 services that have been affected. As part of this planning, health and care staff in both NHS England and NHS Improvement in common with the seven South West systems are looking to gather the views of patients, staff and stakeholders on their experience of health and care services during the pandemic.

Regional engagement leads, community representatives and colleagues from public health, the voluntary and community sector and social care have worked together to develop a regional survey to allow for feedback at a local level and on regional services. It will also mean those living on the edges of health and care systems are asked once for their views.

The survey is being hosted on a platform by NHS Gloucestershire and the anonymous results will be shared with NHS England and NHS Improvement who will analyse the results and share them with all seven health and care systems, in a collaborative approach. The results and analysis will be compiled into a report at both a local system and regional level and shared with health and care organisations and respondents who provide their email addresses in August.

The results of the survey will help inform health and care recovery plans and future commissioning intentions, enabling identification of what has worked well and how we can improve going forward.

If you have questions about the survey, please speak to your STP Engagement lead or Dr Lou Farbus, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, NHS England and NHS Improvement South West.

The survey is being promoted by the South West Communications and Engagement network to staff, patients and stakeholders. Please can we ask you to encourage those within your organisation and your networks to complete the survey to enable a rich picture of feedback from the South West population.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


The Somerset CCG Engagement Team

SWP Recycling Centres Opening Times 2020

Reopening Recycling Centres & Garden Waste collections

July 2020 Update 

Recycling sites: ‘Business as Normal”

Visitors to Somerset Waste Partnership’s recycling centres will find ‘shop-style’ social distancing arrangements in place.

Floor markings and other extra signs are being introduced to all 16 sites in the coming days. The set-up will be similar to that seen in supermarkets and other shops, with visitors expected to take responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe.

Sites were closed in March in response to COVID-19 and reopened in May with extra staff and barriers on hand to make sure social distancing was followed and to control access to waste skips.

This extra staffing has been gradually phased out and over the course of the next week, starting on Saturday (20 June), barriers will be removed.

Other safety and access restrictions remain in place:

  • Gloves to be worn when outside the vehicle
  • Maximum of two people per household
  • Trailers and 3.5 tonne vans only allowed between 4pm and 6pm on weekdays
  • Lifting assistance not available.

Sites have experienced long queues at times, especially in the morning, and the public is still advised to only make trips to the tip if really necessary.

Mickey Green, Managing Director of SWP, said: “These arrangements will be familiar to everyone from their trips to the supermarket, with the responsibility very much on the public to do the right thing and maintain social distance.

“The way that visitors have accepted the restrictions and followed the guidance so far has been great and I’m sure this will be no different.”

All sites are now open for their usual summer hours. Queue cams are operating for Bridgwater, Chard, Highbridge, Minehead, Street, Taunton, Wells and Yeovil. Please check before you leave

For more information about how to reduce and reuse your waste, visit

For the latest information about services and any disruption visit and follow @somersetwaste on Twitter and Facebook.