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Young Somerset – The Somerset Big Tent Website is launching on the 30 November

The Big Tent is a VCSE (Voluntary Community Social Enterprise) alliance of emotional wellbeing and mental health providers for children and young people aged 8-18 within Somerset, operating under a quality and safety assurance process. The Big Tent, funded by Clinical Commissioning Groups and facilitated by Young Somerset, is designed to broker the best local solution for a child / young person’s needs, making it easy for them, their parents / carers, and professionals to access support.

The Big Tent website provides an online space for children and young people and their parents and guardians to know what wellbeing support is available for them in their area. They can navigate the support based on their feelings, type of support, location, age to ensure that they can discover support options which are suitable for them.

The Big Tent website also offers a professional area with details of upcoming training events, wellbeing campaigns and more to support professionals about how best to support children and young people.

You will be able to find the website on line from 30 November by going to

Open your windows this winter

The government is encouraging people to open their windows and keep their homes well ventilated during the winter.

It’s because research has shown that being in a room with fresh air can reduce the risk of infection from coronavirus by over 70 per cent.

As the weather turns colder, we all tend to spend more time indoors, so experts are recommending that you open windows for short, sharp bursts of 10 to 15 minutes regularly throughout the day or leave windows open a small amount continuously. This helps to remove any infected particles lingering in the room.

They’re also advising that any household systems that use outdoor air, including kitchen or bathroom extractor fans, are used correctly and regularly as an additional method to remove infected particles.

Airing indoor spaces is particularly important if someone in your household has coronavirus as it can help prevent it spreading to other household members.

It’s also important to do if you have visitors in your home, such as a care worker or tradesperson, or other visitors like friends and family from other households when that’s permitted.

The government has produced a short film to show how coronavirus lingers in the air in spaces with no fresh air, increasing the risk of people breathing in infected particles, and how the risk can be reduced significantly by regularly ventilating enclosed areas. You can watch it here.

Census 21st March 2021

Households across the parish of Stogursey will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021.

The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.

It will be the first run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets.

“A successful census will ensure everyone from local government to charities can put services and funding in the places where they are most needed,” Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the Office for National Statistics, said.

“This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, schools and new transport routes. That’s why it is so important everyone takes part and we have made it easier for people to do so online on any device, with help and paper questionnaires for those that need them.”

Census day will be on March 21st 2021, but households across the country will receive letters with online codes allowing them to take part from early March.

The census will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.

  • Register for email updates about Census 2021 and/or other areas of ONS
  • Access census information for community partners and local authorities
  • Follow @Census2021 on Twitter and Facebook

Step Up Somerset – Stepping Up Employment Support

A co-ordinated network of employment and skills support for individuals, employers and businesses seeking support and information in relation to employment, skills, careers and apprenticeships is being rolled out across Somerset under the Step Up Somerset brand to boost existing provision in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

This includes a new one-stop-shop website which will provide support for individuals who are job hunting, seeking training in new industries or working to strengthen their skills by providing details of employment and skills services and resources. Those who find themselves at risk of or being made redundant can find a full range of support including help with reskilling, financial assistance and wellbeing information.

Employers will be able to gather information on redundancy support for their workforce, staff development and offering apprenticeships or industry placements to young people. The website will also provide a platform for promoting any recruitment or development events available to attend.

For anyone without internet access further one-to-one help can also be provided via a single phone helpline: 0300 790 6275.


Food support for families in Somerset

Any family in need should call the Somerset Coronavirus helpline on 0300 790 6275 and select Option 1.

Somerset County Council has pledged £125,000 of additional support for families in Somerset who may be struggling to find food this winter.

They want to ensure no child or adult in Somerset goes hungry. Their aim is to meet the immediate need for food, and to work with the family to address underlying needs. This is because if a child is hungry there are usually other issues they would want to help them address. These could be financial, housing, mental health and wellbeing, employment, and skills.

Throughout the pandemic the Somerset Coronavirus Helpline has been providing information, advice and support to families. This has been done by adopting the same community orientated approach as that developed in the Adults service. The Village Agent offer to families has been extended so that they can get support to address underlying issues and regain, or retain, their ability to be as independent as possible.

This has enabled many families in Somerset to get the support they need to become more resilient. One element of this has been to make sure families can access nutritious meals – this remains a focus of their work.

A further £125,000 has been set aside in case more funds are needed to ensure families are fed this winter.

Any family in need should call the Somerset Coronavirus helpline on 0300 790 6275 and select Option 1.

The helpline is available from 8am to 6pm every day, including weekends.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired you can contact us using SMS text: 07781 482858