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Road Closure – Burton 19.2.24 to 23.2.24

We have received the below emergency road closure notification from Somerset Highways, which is due to commence at 0800 on Monday 19th February.

Querying the closure with Wessex Water  they have clarified that is affecting the carriageway between the junctions of Forge Corner and Knighton Lane

Residents of both will have access, but Forge Corner residents will only be able to turn left towards Stogursey and Knighton residents will only be able to turn left towards Shurton.

The published alternative route between the two points being Shurton Lane, over the Ford.

Any queries please ring Wessex Water on 0300 600 4600 and quote their reference PG30562075830001-01

Closure of footpath – Shurton

Somerset Council have notified that they have had to place an emergency closure of footpath WL 23/21 near the village of Shurton in the parish of Stogursey due to an unsafe footbridge.

Temporary Closure of PUBLIC FOOTPATH WL 23/21

TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, Somerset Council hereby issues this Notice PROHIBITING ALL TRAFFIC from proceeding along Public Footpath WL 23/21 for 132 meters in a North Westerly direction from The Old Mill House to Newnham Bridge Road leading into Shurton village due to an unsafe bridge which requires replacement.

The closure will take effect from the 31st January 2024 and will remain in force for 21 days.

We are aiming to get this replaced ASAP. For information about the works being carried out please contact Sarah Cresswell


Abnormal Load movements – Sunday 17th December Combwich Wharf – Hinkley Point

There will be transportation of equipment from Combwich Wharf northbound along the C182 to the Hinkley Point C construction site

on Sunday 17 December between 8am and 1pm.

Due to the size and shape of this equipment, these deliveries will be managed via an escorted ‘rolling roadblock’.

If you wish to find out further details please email: or call  on 0333 009 7070.

Public consultation on Somerset Council budget setting

 A public consultation on Somerset Council’s budget launched on 11th December 2023

It will offer a chance for people to have their say in light of the financial emergency, which was called in November.

It’s open to all, and we are encouraging our Somerset communities, residents, businesses, stakeholders, and partners to take part.

The consultation highlights several discretionary services which could be redesigned, reduced, or even stopped.

It goes live from 11 December and will close on 22 January.

The link can be found at:

It can also be completed in libraries and council offices across Somerset.

Financial Emergency

The in-year overspend for 2023/24 is £27m.

The projected budget gap for 2024/25 is £100m.

To close the gap and balance the budget next year a series of service reductions, efficiency savings, and increases to fees and charges, including Council Tax, will need to be considered.

It is clear that this alone will not close the budget gap.

Plans to fundamentally change the council’s systems and processes to streamline its operations will need to speed up to reduce the size of the council in future.

Leader of Somerset Council, Cllr Bill Revans;  “urges everyone to take part in the consultation, read through the information, understand our challenges, and have your say.”

“We are facing very difficult decisions – this is not where we want to be. But we must face the reality of what is, fundamentally, a broken system of local government funding nationally.

“The cost of delivering our services, particularly social care, is increasing at a much faster rate than our income.

“This means we have to consider every available option to plug our budget gap, including increasing fees, reducing operating costs and finding savings across all areas. Before we make any decisions, it’s important we listen to our residents, especially when those decisions will affect people across Somerset.”

Temporary Road Closure: Cockwood Road and Cockwood, Stogursey 13.12.2023

Temporary Road Closure: ttro781117W – Cockwood Road and Cockwood, Stogursey

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; and the link for the Notice 2:         
The order becomes effective on 08th December 2023 and will remain in force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 13th December 2023 and last for 8 hours (08:00 – 16:00) to enable Utility Services Ltd to replace a pole on behalf of Openreach.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Utility Services Ltd on 0191 303 9782, quoting reference: ttro781117W.

Temporary Road Closure: Culver Street, Stogursey 12.12.2023

Temporary Road Closure: ttro524621W(WS) – Culver Street, Stogursey

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; and the link for the Notice 2:
The order becomes effective on 8th Decmber 2023 and will remain in force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 12th December 2023 and last for 8 hours (08:30-16:30) to enable Openreach to replace a pole.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Sunbelt Rentals on 03700 500 792, quoting reference: ttro524621W(WS)