Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting 17.5.2022
Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Scott Nurton, Cllr Tim Kaye, Cllr Susan Jones and Cllr Allan Searle.
In attendance: Richard Wand (Clerk) and 9 members of the public.
- Election of Chairman. Chris Morgan called for nominations. Cllr Goss proposed Cllr Morgan, seconded by Cllr Ford. There were no other nominations; Members voted unanimously and Cllr Morgan was duly elected. The Chairman thanked all for their support
- Acceptance of Office Form – Chairman. Cllr Morgan signed the formal Acceptance of Office form.
- Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Pete Cross, Jenny Ody and Helga Staddon were accepted.
- Record Acceptance of Office Forms.
The Clerk witnessed the signing of the record of acceptance form by each of the Councillors present.
- Election of Vice-Chairman The Chairman nominated Cllr Goss, seconded by Cllr Ford. There were no other nominations and all agreed. Cllr Goss was duly elected as Vice-Chairman.
- Approve Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 4th May 2021. The minutes (already signed) were formally approved.
- General Power of Competence
All councillors having been elected and the clerk being CiLCA qualified the Council resolved that the Parish Council have met the criteria to exercise the General Power of Competence.
- Election of Groups and Panels The following representatives were duly elected to the following groups and panels.
- Planning Cllr Ody
- Highways Cllr Morgan
- Rights of Way Cllr Jones
- Parish Enhancement Group Cllrs Ford, Searle, Staddon.
- Allotments Cllrs Morgan and Searle.
- Burgage Rd Play Area Cllrs Ford, Staddon.
- Site Stakeholders Group (SSG) Cllr Goss
(Hinkley A & B Power Stations)
- Stogursey Charities Cllr Searle
- Church Liaison Cllr Jones
- School Liaison Cllr Kaye
- Victory Hall Cllrs Morgan, Goss, Ford, Searle.
- Youth Club Cllrs Morgan and Nurton.
- Community Forum Cllr Goss
- Main Site Neighbourhood Forum Cllr Goss, Ford and Jones.
(other Cllrs attend as representatives of the areas where they live) - Transport Forum Cllr Goss
- West Somerset Flood Group Cllr Searle
- Steart Forum Cllr Jones
- Bus Back Better Group Vacant
- Policy Review
The Council review and adopted the following documents
- Standing Orders
- the Parish Council Aims and Objectives
- Social Media Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Audio Visual Recording Policy
- the updated Asset Register
They deferred the review of the already adopted Code of Conduct
- The meeting ended at 19:20.