Minutes 17.5.22
Held at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.
Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Susan Jones Cllr Scott Nurton, Cllr Allan Searle B.E.M. and Cllr Timothy Kaye.
In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk, and 13 members of the public.
A member of the public raised the issue of defective stiles/gates on footpaths in Burton/Shurton.
Several residents raised comments regarding the planning application in respect of The Babbling Brook Inn “pods” over parking, size of pod, all year round use, lack of public transport links and the powers of the Parish Council in respect of planning applications.
Cllr Helga Staddon, Cllr Jenny Ody, Cllr Pete Cross.
The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting were proposed by Cllr Goss seconded by Cllr Searle were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Vice Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.
- Paddons Farm land Transfer – No update
- Seek move from S106 to CIL, resolved that a letter would be sent seeking support from the newly elected Unitary Councillors for the change.
- Public Space Protection Order,resolved that a letter would be sent seeking support from the newly elected Unitary Councillors.
- St Andrew’s Well, resolved to send a further letter to Fairfield Estate regarding the structure.
The Vice Chairman reported that the workforce uplift has been agreed by the District Councils.
The response to the EN010102 HPC EIA Scoping Notification and Consultation had been sent highlighting the significant visible impact of the enlarged building to hold the storage of the dry waste.
- The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.
- The Financial Statement was noted. Ut was resolved unanimously that the Invoices for payment were to be settled. All payments will all be made online, by cheque or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
- Opening up Safely and Reconnecting Communities, Grant applications had been received from the PCC of Stogursey Church Room for a grant for £180 in respect of a function to rename the Rooms. The Parish Council resolved by a majority to issue the grant as requested Another application was also considered an application from Cllr Ford for a grant of £1175 for a Platinum Jubilee Bench to be purchased for The Gravel to enable residents to reconnect with other residents. The Council unanimously resolved to issue the grant.
- Re-application for external Grant Funding of a Neighbourhood Plan.
The Council resolved to re-advertise the need for Neighbourhood Plan working group members following the resignation of S Wardle as the Chairman of the group. S Wardle was thanked for all his work for the group and parish. The Council resolved to re-apply for further external grant funding to analyse the outcome of the questionnaire and progress a neighbourhood plan if there was support from the parish.
- Renewal of the Lengthsman Provision for the Parish.
The Council unanimously resolved to accept the proposal from Greenslades Ground Services. - Annual Donation to the West Somerset Flood Group.
The Council unanimously resolved to donate £5 to the group to cover website operating costs. - Dog Bin Service Level Agreement
The Council by majority resolved to accept the updated service level agreement with idverde in respect of emptying two dog bins in the parish. - Annual Insurance
The Council resolved unanimously to renew the annual insurance policy with Zurich Insurance.
a) Unitary Council for Somerset Update: The elections were held for members on 5th May, with vesting day on 1st April 2023. Cllr Hugh Davies and Cllr Rosemary Woods were elected for the ward and will be invited to future meetings.
- b) Housing Needs Survey Focus group: There had been no meeting since the last Council update was given. A further meeting in mid-June is likely to be held.
HPC Community Forum 19.5.22
Main Site Forum 24.2.22
Transport Forum 23.6.22
Site Stakeholders Group 24.6.22
The circulated list was noted.
a) Farringdon Hill Lane – A resident highlighted overgrowth making the highway unseeable. The Council resolved to write to SCC Highways seeking the adopted highway be maintained to enable safe use by vulnerable road users, e.gh. walkers, cyclists and horse riders, and update the resident appropriately. ACTION: Clerk.
- b) Access to the Old Pound from the Church Rooms. The Council considered correspondence and unanimously resolved that such access was not feasible nor to be granted but suggested that the Benefice Office may be a more suitable route for a disabled access point and suggested pre planning advice be sought for such works. ACTION: Clerk to write a letter in response.
The planters were exchanged on the weekend of 8/9th May and the volunteers who assisted were to be thanked for their marvellous assistance.
The Chairman highlighted issues at Shurton Ford and by Grisley’s Farm which he had forwarded to SCC Highways for action. He stressed the need to report issues if seen to keep the network in a good state of repair.
There were issues in Stolford following the actions of a resident putting an electric fence across a footpath. SCC PROW warden has been asked to follow up the issue. The state of stiles and gates on footpaths were subject to discussion and it is hoped that SCC will address the backlog in maintenance highlighted by the reports on the www.roam.somerset.gov.uk website.
Cllr Ody reported on current matters:
- i) Ongoing matters
Appendix B to the agenda was noted
- ii) New Applications
- a) 3/32/22/009 Demolition of house and outbuildings and erection of 1 No. dwelling with garaging Lawson Farm, Shurton Road, Stogursey, TA5 1QB
Resolved unanimously that no objections are to be raised in the response. ACTION: Clerk - b) 3/32/22/008 on Revetment, Hinkley Point A Site, Stogursey, TA5 1YA
Resolved unanimously to support the application which would improve the sea wall. ACTION: Clerk - c) 3/32/22/010 on The Babbling Brook, Shurton Road, Stogursey, TA5 1QE Change of use of land with siting of 3 No. non-permanent pods for year around holiday let.
The Council requested a site visit and the Clerk was asked to seek an extension of response time. ACTION: Clerk
Tuesday 14th June 2022 at 7.00pm meeting at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.
The meeting closed at 21:00
APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 17th MAY 2022
Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 17th MAY 2022
Payments made since the last meeting on 12th April 22
Payee | Amount
£ |
Pmt details /chq no | Details |
R Wand | 638.21 | BP | Clerk Salary Mar 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension) |
HMRC | 161.16 | BP | Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC Mar22 |
GWB | 134.00 | BP | BRPA maintenance 9.3 & 31.3 22 |
NEST | 54.99 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Mar 21 |
Stogursey & District Victory Hall |
400.00 |
BP |
Reconnecting the Community Grant |
Stogursey WI | 500.00 | BP | Reconnecting the Community Grant |
S. Foster | 400.00 | BP | Mow and Strim Closed Churchyard – 4.3 & 29.3.22 |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting Apr 2022 (due 25.4.22) |
Payments due to be made on 17.5.22
Payee | Amount
£ |
Pmt details /chq no | Details |
R Wand | 638.21 | BP | Clerk Salary Apr 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension) |
HMRC | 161.16 | BP | Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC Apr 22 |
NEST | 54.99 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Apr 22 |
idverde | 395.20 | BP | Dog Bin annual agreement |
S. Foster | 400.00 | BP | Mow and Strim Closed Churchyard – 19.4 & 3.5.22 |
Zurich | 691.68 | BP | Annual Insurance renewal |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting May 2022 (due 25.5.22) |
Receipts since last meeting
Bank Interest – Apr 2022 £ 0.67p
Allotment Rents – £ 180.00p
HMRC VAT reclaim – £ 2,026.06p
50% of Annual Precept – £ 15,405.00p
APPENDIX 2 SPC Minutes 17th MAY 2022
FINANCIAL STATEMENT – AS AT 30th April 2022 | |||||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 31.3.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £5,575.53 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £22,481.45 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £47,449.20 | £75,506.18 | |||||||
Plus Receipts – April 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £18,551.06 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £15,286.00 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £2,500.47 | £36,337.53 | |||||||
Less Payments April 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £19,817.63 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £0.00 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £1,165.80 | £15,354.10 | |||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 30.4.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £4,308.96 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £37,767.45 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £48,783.87 | ||||||||
£90,860.28 | |||||||||
Less unpresented cheques | £0.00 | ||||||||
Plus uncleared credits | £0.00 | ||||||||
Available Funds at 30.4.2022 | £90,860.28 | ||||||||
Balance as per cash book | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £4,308.96 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £37,767.45 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £48,783.87 | ||||||||
£90,860.28 | |||||||||
Summary of Reserve Bank Account @ 30.4.22 | |||||||||
1621.89 | Ext Grant – Stogursey Oral History Project | ] | |||||||
3859.27 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme | ] | |||||||
226.84 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme Contingency | ] | |||||||
7825.00 | Ext Grant – (from HPC) – Lenghtsman Scheme | ] Not PC Funds | |||||||
1305.37 | Fingerposts project grants | ] | |||||||
7579.48 | Ext Grant – Growing for Health and Wellbeing | ] | |||||||
2775.00 | Ext Grant – Re-Opening Safely & Reconnecting Communities] | ||||||||
90.00 | Allotment Refundable Deposits | ] | |||||||
25282.85 | Total External Grants | ] | |||||||
121.02 | Interest to 30.4.22 | Reserves a/c only | |||||||
4000.00 | Multi Sports Area | ||||||||
1750.00 | SWTC Election Costs 2023 | ||||||||
900.00 | Laptop | ||||||||
3500.00 | BRPA essential maintenance | ||||||||
2000.00 | Refurbish the Pound | ||||||||
5000.00 | Grounds and maintenance | ||||||||
2700.00 | Defibrillator (annual build-up of funds) | ||||||||
3530.00 | Contingency | ||||||||
23501.02 | Total PC funds | ||||||||
48783.87 | TOTAL IN RESERVES’ ACCOUNT | ||||||||