Minutes 13.12.22
Held at in the Lord St Audries Room, Victory Hall, Stogursey.
Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Susan Jones, Cllr Jenny Ody,
Cllr Helga Staddon and Cllr Allan Searle B.E.M.
In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk and 3 members of the public.
A resident spoke against agenda item 16(b) 3/32/22/030 application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of a mobile home as a permanent dwelling on The Stables, Burton, Bridgwater, TA5 1QB.
A member of the public spoke seeking support for a grant to West Somerset Citizens Advice.
Cllr Scott Nurton and Cllr Gregor Millar.
22/99 MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 8th November 2022:
The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting had been circulated. They were proposed by Cllr Ford seconded by Cllr Staddon and were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.
No nominations for consideration, word of mouth is considered the best way to seek to fill the vacancy.
CCllr Woods and CCllr Davies updates had been previously circulated to the members were noted. - UPDATE FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR
Cllr Morgan highlighted that the Local Government Reform meetings held fortnightly are not proving to be other than a one way street as little or no information is coming from the officers. He had had a one to one, yet received no new information or assurances over LCNs. Nether Stowey PC continue to pull the local parishes together and are seeking get answers to all the queries raised and put forward a possible local LCN structure for ours and surrounding parishes west of Bridgwater. The possible increased workload for councillors and Clerks continues to be highlighted.
Paddons Farm land transfer – Still no update from SWTC, John Burton has asked for an update and suggests engagement with Strongvox
The Vice Chairman commented that the Abnormal Load training runs are continuing, yet prior notification of them seems to be sporadic, despite previous assurances. Early in the New Year the real movements will commence. A death had occurred on HPC site during operations which was being investigated and caused a total shut down for several days. Concerns had been raised following a press article over the CCTV camera system used and possible links to foreign government.
- The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.
- The Financial Statement was noted. It was resolved unanimously that the Invoices for payment were to be settled. All payments will all be made online, by cheque, direct debit or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
- It was unanimously resolved to set the parish precept for 2023-2024 at £31,425, which is an increase of £615 or a 2% on 2022-2023. This will result in an annual increase on a Band D property of £0.29p. The Clerk was asked to send the precept request to the Somerset Council. ACTION: Clerk
- The Clerk outlined the information circulated to members regarding the S106 National Grid works Hinkley Point to consider use of such funds arising from works. SWTC planning are seeking suggestions and applications for use of the funding within the radius surrounding the work area of the 16 towers. It was suggested that landowners in the affected area should be updated and approached to put forward suggestions.
- It was unanimously resolved that a grant of £1000 be awarded to Citizens Advice, West Somerset to support their work and residents of the parish. ACTION: Clerk
- It was unanimously resolved that a grant of £100 be awarded to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, for the Remembrance Day wreath. ACTION: Clerk
a) Unitary Council for Somerset Update: The notes of the recent Clerk/Chairman update meeting had been circulated and were noted.
- Housing Needs Survey Focus group: There had been no meeting since the last Council meeting. The Lime Street development is seen as a possible solution to some of the needs identified. The agreed point of contact details for the Alms Houses had been forwarded to the team.
- c) Parking issues. The Chairman and Vice Chairman had received a response from Highways, and had discussed the matter with a Highways Manager at the recent Transport Forum. The survey costs alone involved in planning for any works at Burgage Road/Vicarage Road would be substantial. Disappointingly , the suggested area would not give meaningful gain to available parking in the area. As a result the funding would be better directed elsewhere. The Chairman would update those residents who had participated in this matter.
HPC Community Forum 19.01.23
Main Site Forum 23.02.23
Site Stakeholders Group 24.02.23
Transport Forum 16.03.23
The Chairman highlighted the need for all members to follow the protocol of routing all communications with outside bodies or individuals via the Clerk. This will ensure that FOI or Data Protection issues are followed when members are carrying out their elected role. If a member wishes to respond to public issues as an individual resident would, then they are able to do so.
Cllr Staddon reported that the bulbs purchased had been planted up ready for the Spring.
It was unanimously resolved following consideration of the quotes received to award the allotment works to John Foster at a cost of £4,600.
It was unanimously resolved to purchase six planters for use in various locations across the parish to enhance the area.
The Chairman highlighted several potholes and areas of surface water which, following recent storms, had been slow to drain as watercourses needed attention. He also reported that the arm of the fingerpost at Monkton Lane had at last been repaired and returned. The sending of a letter of thanks for the repair work done was agreed.
The sign at the entrance to Town Close had been damaged in early December, which had been reported.
The Vice Chairman had expressed concerns over the possible sharing of vehicle speed data between the Police and HPC within the parish following recent fatal accidents on the C182. It was felt that the as in other parishes, that the Parish Council should be aware of the results of any data collection in the Parish, rather than being shared with a local employer.
Cllr Jones reported that some updated walk leaflets had been distributed locally. She also commented that storm damage had been identified at St Peter’s Church in Stolford.
Cllr Ody reported on current matters:
- i) Ongoing matters
Appendix B to the agenda was noted
- ii) New Applications;
- a) T/32/22/004 Notification to fell one Tree of Heaven and to carry out management works to one Willow and one Cypress tree within Stogursey Conservation Area The Rectory, High Street, Stogursey, TA5 1PL – No Objection
b) 3/32/22/030 Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of a mobile home as a permanent dwelling on The Stables, Burton, Bridgwater, TA5 1QB – No comment, unable to substantiate use.
c) ABD/32/22/003 Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building into 1 No. dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development – Wood Barn, Stogursey – Site visit
Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 7.00pm meeting at the Victory Hall, Stogursey.
The meeting closed at 20:45.
Signed: …..………………………………………….….. (Chairman) Date: ……………………………………
APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 13th DECEMBER 2022
Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 3th December 2022
Payments made since the last meeting on 8.11.22
Payee | Amount
£ |
Pmt details /chq no | Details |
R Wand | 941.94 | BP | Clerk Salary Oct 22 (includes allowances, back pay, less PAYE, NIC & Pension contributions) |
HMRC | 328.48 | BP | Employee tax & NIC (PAYE) & Employers NIC Oct 22 |
NEST | 84.78 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Oct 22 |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting Oct 2022 (due 25.11.22) |
GWB Ltd | 170.40 | BP | BRPA Mow n Strim 8.9 and 21.9.22 |
S Foster | 400.00 | BP | Mow and strim Close Churchyard |
C Morgan | 75.60 | BP | Chairman’s expenses (June to Sept 22) |
Greenslades | 2358.00 | BP | Lengthsman services – Sept 22 |
FOSS | 500.00 | BP | Grant for annual Fireworks |
Stogursey Youth Club | 2441.04 | BP | Grant for the provision of Youth Club services for the Parish until end of March 2023. |
Payments due 13.12.2022
Payee | Amount
£ |
Payment Type | Details |
R Wand | 650.51 | BP | Clerk Salary Nov 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension contributions) |
R. Wand | 70.98 | BP | Stationary items + key cutting + Laptop cables |
S. Foster | 600.00 | BP | Closed Churchyard mow n strim – |
HMRC | 181.40 | BP | Employee tax & NIC (PAYE) & Employers NIC Nov 22 |
NEST | 93.10 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Nov 22 |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting Nov 2022 (due 25.12.22) |
Greenslades | 1886.40 | BP | Lengthsman services – Oct 22 |
Greenslades | 1171.20 | BP | Lengthsman services – Nov 22 &
Christmas Tree for The Gravel, Stogursey. |
GWB Services | 85.20 | BP | Mow n Strim BRPA 2.11.22 |
Receipts since last meeting
Bank Interest – Nov 2022 £ 3.46p
VAT refund (1st April 2022 to 31st October 2022) £ 1,558.73p
APPENDIX 2 SPC Minutes 13th DECEMBER 2022
Balances as per bank accounts 31.10.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £2,870.51 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £18,250.74 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £119,097.14 | £140,218.39 | |||||||
Plus Receipts – November 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £6,523.73 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £1.94 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £12.75 | £6,538.42 | |||||||
Less Payments – November 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £7,087.91 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £3,000.00 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £1,965.00 | -£5,514.49 | |||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 30.11.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £2,306.33 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £15,252.68 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £117,144.89 | ||||||||
£134,703.90 | |||||||||
Less unpresented cheques | £0.00 | ||||||||
Plus uncleared credits | £0.00 | ||||||||
Available Funds at 30.11.2022 | £134,703.90 | ||||||||
Balance as per cash book | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £2,306.33 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £15,252.68 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £117,144.89 | ||||||||
£134,703.90 | |||||||||
Summary of Reserve Bank Account @ 30.11.22 | |||||||||
1621.89 | Ext Grant – Stogursey Oral History Project | ] | |||||||
3859.27 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme | ] | |||||||
226.84 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme Contingency | ] | |||||||
54965.00 | Ext Grant – (from HPC) – Lenghtsman Scheme | ] Not PC Funds | |||||||
1305.37 | Fingerposts project grants | ] | |||||||
7579.48 | Ext Grant – Growing for Health and Wellbeing | ] | |||||||
0.00 | Ext Grant – Re-Opening Safely & Reconnecting Communities] | ||||||||
90.00 | Allotment Refundable Deposits | ] | |||||||
69647.48 | Total External Grants | ] | |||||||
142.40 | Interest to 30.11.22 | Reserves a/c only | |||||||
4500.00 | Multi Sports Area | ||||||||
2000.00 | SWTC Election Costs 2022/2027 | ||||||||
550.01 | Laptop | ||||||||
4000.00 | BRPA essential maintenance | ||||||||
2000.00 | Refurbish the Pound | ||||||||
5000.00 | Grounds and maintenance | ||||||||
3600.00 | Defibrillator (annual build-up of funds) | ||||||||
24530.00 | Contingency | ||||||||
1175.00 | Reopening Grant – Bench The Gravel | ||||||||
47497.41 | Total PC funds | ||||||||
117144.89 | TOTAL IN RESERVES’ ACCOUNT | ||||||||