Minutes 12.7.22
Held at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.
Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Susan Jones Cllr Scott Nurton, Cllr Allan Searle B.E.M. and Cllr Timothy Kaye.
In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk, CCllr H Davies, 10 members of the public.
A member of the public raised a query over the response received regarding the C182/Shurton Road junction. The Chairman read the response and asked the Clerk to forward a copy of the response for his information.
Several members of the public raised issues over the parking of vehicles within Stogursey and the need for the Parish Council to take the issue forward.
22/32 MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 14th June 2022:
The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting had been circulated. Cllr Goss asked for the word “though” to be amend to “through” in para 22/20 as amended they were proposed by Cllr Ford seconded by Cllr Searle and were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.
The Chairman asked that an interview date be arranged before the matter was progressed. Action: Clerk - UPDATE FROM SOMERSET COUNCILLORS
CCllr Woods update had been previously circulated to the members which was noted. CCllr Davies commented on extracts from his previously circulated written report and congratulated St Peters Church in Stolford on the completion of the work on the building. - UPDATE FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR
Cllr Morgan highlighted the likely level of debt that the new Unitary Council will be inheriting and was concerned that new service issues may be experienced by SWP. - REVIEW OF LONG-TERM ACTION LIST
- Paddons Farm land transfer – No update
The Vice Chairman reported that HPB reactors would both be shut down by the beginning of August after 46 years of generation, with defueling to take three years.
HPC at the Main Site Forum the DCO material change from wet to dry storage timetable for consultation and submission was outlined, with a decision by the end of 2023 likely. The issue of demonstrations was also discussed and the lack of consultation by SCC Highways/Police with the Parish Council was highlighted
- The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes. Cllr Kaye asked why the excess funds in the deposit account were not moved into the contingency reserve. He wished it to be considered at the next meeting. ACTION: Agenda item
- The Financial Statement was noted. It was resolved unanimously that the Invoices for payment were to be settled. All payments will all be made online, by cheque or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
- The first quarter Budget Monitoring Statement was received and noted.
- Opening up Safely and Reconnecting Communities.
No applications were considered
- e) The Parish Council discussed St Andrew’s Well initially considering the water flow and the drainage from the Well out to the Brook. This was followed by a discussion on the ownership of the structure. Cllr Ody was researching possible evidence of ownership and would report back to the next meeting.
a) Unitary Council for Somerset Update: The notes of recent Clerks update meeting had been circulated and were noted.
- b) Housing Needs Survey Focus group: There had been an online meeting the day before, the notes of which would be circulated when received.
c) Steart Forum: Cllr Jones updated on the meeting. A. Goodchild had given a presentation on the proposed cycle path and concerns were raised over the proposed mix of users and the likely issues that may arise. Possible use by motorised vehicles mixing on the same path was also an issue of concern.
HPC Transport Forum 14.7.22
Community Forum 22.9.22
Main Site Forum 20.10.22
Site Stakeholders Group 28.10.22
The circulated list was noted.
a) C182/Shurton Road junction: The response from the Police/SCC Highways was considered.
- b) Continuation of Lengthsman Scheme: The meeting unanimously resolved to accept the offer of external funding from HPC for the period 2022-2027. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Staddon updated on the ongoing work in relation to the planters with a new one being installed at Shurton. She hoped that a local resident could take on watering the Burton/Shurton boundary planter.
Cllr Jones asked if the planters at Stolford could be addressed as there is some rot in one and the others could be replaced.
In respect of benches Cllrs Staddon and Ford were asked to progress applications for funding from the S106 funds for new benches and were delegated authority to purchase a bench within the ear marked budget.
The Chairman highlighted the issues and comments from the Public Forum on parking issues in Burgage, Vicarage and St Andrew’s Roads as well as the High Street. It was agreed that a face to face meeting involving the residents, Highways, Police, Community Safety Officer and Magna Housing as well as County and Parish Councillors would be arranged by the Clerk.
Use eScooters on Parish Council Land: The meeting resolved unanimously to discourage the practice of e-scooters being used through the BRPA and on Parish Council land. It was agreed that suitable signs would be erected on the entrances to the BRPA and an item for Stogursey News would be submitted by the Clerk. ACTION:Clerk
Several missing or damaged footpath signs on the Coasts and Castle footpath were highlighted for action.
Cllr Ody reported on current matters:
- i) Ongoing matters
Appendix B to the agenda was noted
- ii) New Applications
- a) 3/32/22/016 on land off Ridgway Lane, Stolford. A request for a site visit had been refused. It was felt that the building was not to be in keeping with the surroundings and would have a significant impact in the area. It was unanimously agreed to object.
ACTION: Clerk to forward response.
Tuesday 9th August 2022 at 7.00pm meeting at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.
The meeting closed at 21:02
APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 12th JULY 2022
Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 14th July 2022
Payments made since the last meeting on 14.6.22
Payee | Amount
£ |
Payment details | Details |
R Wand | 638.21 | BP | Clerk Salary May 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension) |
HMRC | 161.16 | BP | Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC May 22 |
NEST | 54.99 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution May 22 |
S Foster | 200.00 | BP | Mow n Strim Closed Churchyard
R Wand | 186.06 | BP | Compost for Well Being Project (Grant funded)
Stationery/Laptop battery replacement & Software/Printer cartridges |
GWB Services | 142.00 | BP | BRPA Maintenance 11.4 & 26.4.22 |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting June 2022 (due 25.6.22) |
J Foster | 500.00 | BP | Mow and strim various roads/areas in the Parish 31.5.22 |
C Morgan | 90.00 | BP | Travel Expenses January 22 to May 22 |
H.M. Land Registry | 3.00 | DC | Land Search Fee |
Payments due 12.7.22
Payee | Amount
£ |
Pmt details /chq no | Details |
R Wand | 638.01 | BP | Clerk Salary June 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension) |
HMRC | 161.36 | BP | Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC June 22 |
NEST | 54.99 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution June 22 |
S Foster | 600.00 | BP | Mow n Strim Closed Churchyard 1st 15th and 29th June 22
GWB Services | 255.60 | BP | BRPA Maintenance 13th and 27th May, 20th June 22 |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting June 2022 (due 25.7.22) |
Receipts since last meeting
Bank Interest – June 2022 £ 0.63p
APPENDIX 2 SPC Minutes 12th JULY 2022
FINANCIAL STATEMENT – AS AT 30th June 2022 | |||||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 31.5.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £1,903.41 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £37,747.71 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £48,604.24 | £88,255.36 | |||||||
Plus Receipts – June 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £2,436.00 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £0.32 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £0.41 | £2,436.73 | |||||||
Less Payments – June 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £3,465.89 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £1,500.00 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £1,286.00 | -£3,815.16 | |||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 30.6.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £1,903.41 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £37,747.71 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £48,604.24 | ||||||||
£88,255.36 | |||||||||
Less unpresented cheques | £0.00 | ||||||||
Plus uncleared credits | £0.00 | ||||||||
Available Funds at 31.5.2022 | £88,255.36 | ||||||||
Balance as per cash book | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £1,903.41 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £37,747.71 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £48,604.24 | ||||||||
£88,255.36 | |||||||||
Summary of Reserve Bank Account @ 30.6.22 | |||||||||
1621.89 | Ext Grant – Stogursey Oral History Project | ] | |||||||
3859.27 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme | ] | |||||||
226.84 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme Contingency | ] | |||||||
7039.00 | Ext Grant – (from HPC) – Lenghtsman Scheme | ] Not PC Funds | |||||||
1305.37 | Fingerposts project grants | ] | |||||||
7579.48 | Ext Grant – Growing for Health and Wellbeing | ] | |||||||
920.00 | Ext Grant – Re-Opening Safely & Reconnecting Communities] | ||||||||
90.00 | Allotment Refundable Deposits | ] | |||||||
22741.85 | Total External Grants | ] | |||||||
121.80 | Interest to 30.6.22 | Reserves a/c only | |||||||
4000.00 | Multi Sports Area | ||||||||
1750.00 | SWTC Election Costs 2022 | ||||||||
900.00 | Laptop | ||||||||
3500.00 | BRPA essential maintenance | ||||||||
2000.00 | Refurbish the Pound | ||||||||
5000.00 | Grounds and maintenance | ||||||||
2700.00 | Defibrillator (annual build-up of funds) | ||||||||
3530.00 | Contingency | ||||||||
1175.00 | Reopening Grant – Bench The Gravel | ||||||||
24676.80 | Total PC funds | ||||||||
47318.65 | TOTAL IN RESERVES’ ACCOUNT | ||||||||