Minutes 12.4.22
Held at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.
Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Helga Staddon, Cllr Eileen Chave, Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Jenny Ody, Cllr Steve O’Driscoll, Cllr Susan Jones and Cllr Timothy Kaye.
In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk, and 5 members of the public.
A member of the public asked for details of the defibrillator training for the Parish. The Clerk responded that the dates were still to be finalised, but there is a wealth of information on Youtube how to use the unit. The unit also has simple instructions and guidance will be given by the 999 operator.
The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting were proposed by Cllr Ody seconded by Cllr Ford were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Vice Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
Cllrs Goss and Ody disclosed membership of the Stogursey WI, Cllrs Goss, Morgan and Ford disclosed membership of the Victory Hall Trustees. No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.
Paddons Farm; no update and it was noted that the SWTC planning Officer dealing had left the Council.
S106-CIL and Public Space Protection Order are probably issues to be pursue with the Unitary Council.
St Andrew’s Well, Natural England had no information on ownership and the Clerk had exhausted any lines of research.
Riparian Owners; It was resolved that a further item would be submitted for Stogursey News to highlight that the Parish Council would report to the enforcing agencies any noxious weeds.
The Vice Chairman reported that the workforce uplift has been agreed by the District Councils. Mitigation should follow. It is hoped that the Victory Hall car park will be extended as £75K is being allocated to the Parish to do so.
It was resolved to delegate the formation of the response to the EN010102 HPC EIA Scoping Notification and Consultation as there was felt to be a significant visible impact of the enlarged building to hold the storage of the dry waste.
- The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.
- The Financial Statement was noted, the Invoices for payment were proposed for acceptance by Cllr Ody and seconded by Cllr Chave the resolution was carried unanimously. All payments will all be made online, by cheque or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
- The Council resolved to adopt the Financial Risk and internal Control documents which had been circulated.
- The Council resolved to appoint Richard Young as the internal auditor for the 2022/2023 financial year.
- Opening up Safely and Reconnecting Communities, Grant applications had been received from Stogursey WI for a grant for £500 in respect of a Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea to be held. Another application was also considered from the Trustees of the Victory Hall for a grant of £400 for a Platinum Jubilee Lunch event. The Council unanimously resolved to issue the two grants.
a) Unitary Council for Somerset Update: The elections for members is to be held on 5th May, with vesting day on 1st April 2023.
- b) Bus Back Better; Cllr Ody updated on the campaign.
- c) Housing Needs Survey Focus group: A report of the recent meeting had been circulated, further meetings were planned to explore the issues and funding streams.
HPC Community Forum 19.5.22
Main Site Forum 24.2.22
Transport Forum 23.6.22
Site Stakeholders Group 24.6.22
The circulated list was noted.
a) Mobile Outreach event; 18th May 2022 – Victory Hall 1000-1400. Information had been circulated highlighting the provision of employment advice to residents available from this initiative.
- b) In response to the NALC consultation on Small Parish Issues there were no further issues identified.
The planters were to be exchanged on the weekend of 8/9th May and it was hoped that volunteers could assist in moving the new planters into place and re locating the old ones initially to the School Victory Hall for reuse. The allotment plot works were still being planned.
There were no further issues to discuss.
There were no issues to discuss.
Cllr Ody reported on current matters:
- i) Ongoing matters
- a) 3/32/21/007 Erection of 5 No. dwellings with parking, car ports and access thereto on Land south of High Street, Stogursey, TA5 1PL. Response sent. Decision Awaited. Further report sent 1.11.21. SWTC Planning Committee 4.11.21 Granted. S106 to be resolved
b) 3/32/21/013 Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 1 No. dormer bungalow, Stonecroft, 26 Lime Street, Stogursey, TA5 1QR. Response sent. Decision Awaited
c) 3/32/21/020 Demolition of outbuildings and a change of use of land for the erection of 2 No. cabins to be used as holiday lets, Lime Kiln Cottage, Gorpit Lane, Stogursey TA5 1TW. Response sent 13.10.21 Decision Awaited - 3/32/20/022 Erection of two storey extension to the north elevation and single storey extension to the east elevation, Greenhollow, Ridgeway Lane, Stolford, Stogursey TA5 1TN. Site visit – Response sent 13.10.21 Decision Awaited
- 3/32/21/018 Demolition of conservatory, alterations to roof from dormer roof construction to two storey format, erection of two storey extension on the west elevation and construction of first floor extension on the north elevation. Staddlestones, Burton, Stogursey, Bridgwater, TA5 1QB. Response sent 10.11.21 Awaiting decision
- 3/32/21/008 Erection of replacement single storey side extension Merriegreen Cottage, Wick, Stogursey, TA5 1TL – Response sent 15.12.21 Decision Awaited
- 3/32/21/022 Erection of porch, carport and fencing (retention of part works already undertaken) Merriegreen Cottage, Wick, Stogursey, TA5 1TL Response sent 15.12.21 Decision Awaited
- h) 3/32/21/025 on Tanyards Farm, 16 Castle Street, Stogursey, TA5 1TG
Application for the approval of reserved matters, following Outline Application 3/32/20/004, for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and approval of Condition No’s, 01, Approval of Details, 03, Drainage, 04 Archaeology, 05, Heritage Statement, 09, Surface Water Disposal and 18, Topographic Survey for the erection of 5 No. Dwellings at Tanyards Farm, 16 Castle Street, Stogursey, TA5 1TG – Response sent 12.1.22 Decision Awaited
- i) 3/32/22/001 Change of use of land for bus parking associated with the HPC Construction Project on Pixie’s Field, Wick Moor Drove, Stogursey, Bridgwater, TA5 1UF – response sent. Decision awaited
ii) New Applications- a) 3/32/22/002to 3/32/22/007 agricultural building works, Durborough Farm, Durborough Farm Lane, Stogursey, TA5 1LA – No objections
- b) T/32/22/002 Notification to fell two Conifers (one dead) and three Bay trees (and three Laurels) within Stogursey Conservation Area 27 Castle Street, Stogursey, TA5 1TG
Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 7.30pm meeting at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey, following the Annual Parish Council meeting.
The meeting closed at 20.45
APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 12th APRIL 2022
Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 12th APRIL 2022
Payments made since the last meeting on 8.3.22
Payee | Amount
£ |
details /chq no |
Details |
R Wand | 1299.23 | BP | Clerk Salary Feb 22 (includes overtime, allowances, back pay less PAYE & Pension) |
HMRC | 634.75 | BP | Employee tax (PAYE & NIC) & Employers NIC Feb 22 |
GWB | 67.00 | BP | BRPA maintenance 31.1.22 |
NEST | 127.17 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Feb 22 |
Victory Hall
Committee |
514.00 | BP | Hall Hire fees April 2020-March 2022 |
R Wand | 59.61 | BP | Stationery/Padlock for allotments/Compost |
Amberol Ltd | 3280.01 | BP | Planters for Growing for Health & Wellbeing Project |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting Apr 2022 (due 25.3.22) |
SWTC | 25.00 | BP | BRPA annual Lease 2022-2023 |
Water2Business | 17.22 | BP | Allotments – water charges Sept21-March22 |
West Somerset Gardening | 22.90 | DC | Planter plants |
Land Registry | 3.00 | DC | Enquiry |
Payments due to be made on 12.4.22
Payee | Amount
£ |
Pmt details /chq no | Details |
R Wand | 1299.23 | BP | Clerk Salary Feb 22 (includes overtime, allowances, back pay less PAYE & Pension) |
HMRC | 634.75 | BP | Employee tax (PAYE & NIC) & Employers NIC Feb 21 |
GWB | 67.00 | BP | BRPA maintenance 31.1.22 |
NEST | 127.17 | DD | Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Feb 21 |
Victory Hall Committee | 514.00 | BP | Hall Hire fees April 2020-March 2022 |
R Wand | 59.61 | BP | Stationery/Padlock for allotments/Compost |
Amberol Ltd | 3280.01 | BP | Planters for Growing for Health & Wellbeing Project |
Microsoft | 11.28 | DC | Business 365 monthly fee |
IONOS | 5.99 | DC | Website hosting Apr 2022 (due 25.3.22) |
Receipts since last meeting
Bank Interest – Mar 2022 £ 0.62p
Allotment Rents – £ 60.00p
SCC/SALC Re-Opening Grant Funding Part 3 £ 2,500.00p
APPENDIX 2 SPC Minutes 12th APRIL 2022
FINANCIAL STATEMENT – AS AT 31st March 2022 | |||||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 28.2.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £2,884.16 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £26,981.25 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £54,815.50 | £84,680.91 | |||||||
Plus Receipts – March 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £14,426.72 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £0.20 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £1,000.42 | £15,427.34 | |||||||
Less Payments March 2022 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £11,735.35 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £4,500.00 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £8,366.72 | -£9,174.73 | |||||||
Balances as per bank accounts 31.3.22 | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £5,575.53 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £22,481.45 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £47,449.20 | ||||||||
£75,506.18 | |||||||||
Less unpresented cheques | £0.00 | ||||||||
Plus uncleared credits | £0.00 | ||||||||
Available Funds at 28/2/2022 | £75,506.18 | ||||||||
Balance as per cash book | |||||||||
Treasurers Account | £5,575.53 | ||||||||
Deposit Account | £22,481.45 | ||||||||
Reserves & Grants Account | £47,449.20 | ||||||||
£75,506.18 | |||||||||
Summary of Reserve Bank Account @ 31.3.22 | |||||||||
1621.89 | Ext Grant – Stogursey Oral History Project | ] | |||||||
3859.27 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme | ] | |||||||
226.84 | Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme Contingency | ] | |||||||
7825.00 | Ext Grant – (from HPC) – Lenghtsman Scheme | ] Not PC Funds | |||||||
0.00 | Defibrillator Grant | ] | |||||||
1305.37 | Fingerposts project grants | ] | |||||||
7579.48 | Ext Grant – Growing for Health and Wellbeing | ] | |||||||
1175.00 | Ext Grant – Re-Opening Safely & Reconnecting Communities] | ||||||||
265.80 | Ext Grant – Neighbourhood Plan | ] | |||||||
90.00 | Allotment Refundable Deposits | ] | |||||||
23948.65 | Total External Grants | ] | |||||||
120.55 | Interest to 31.3.22 | Reserves a/c only | |||||||
4000.00 | Multi Sports Area | ||||||||
1750.00 | SWTC Election Costs 2023 | ||||||||
900.00 | Laptop | ||||||||
3500.00 | BRPA essential maintenance | ||||||||
2000.00 | Refurbish the Pound | ||||||||
5000.00 | Grounds and maintenance | ||||||||
0.00 | Youth Club Items | ||||||||
2530.00 | Litter bins – held in reserves for emptying costs | ||||||||
2700.00 | Defibrillator (annual build-up of funds) | ||||||||
1000.00 | Contingency | ||||||||
23500.55 | Total PC funds | ||||||||
47449.20 | TOTAL IN RESERVES’ ACCOUNT | ||||||||