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Minutes 11.10.2022



Held at in the Lord St Audries Room, Victory Hall, Stogursey.



Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Susan Jones, Cllr Jenny Ody, Cllr Allan Searle B.E.M.

In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk, CCllr R Woods and 1 member of the public.


Andrew Goodchild gave a presentation on behalf of HPC regarding the proposed Combwich to HPC shared cycle path. He took several questions and comments that were raised by members.


A resident raised an issue regarding the amount of rubbish left around the Bus Shelter on The Gravel, High Street, Stogursey.


Cllr Helga Staddon, Cllr Scott Nurton.

22/65  MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 9th August 2022:

The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting had been circulated. They were proposed by Cllr Ford seconded by Cllr Searle and were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.


No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.

    The Chairman asked that an interview date be arranged and advertise for a second candidate before the matter was progressed. Action: Clerk

    CCllr Woods and CCllr Davies updates had been previously circulated to the members were noted. CCllr Woods highlighted two of the issues.
    Cllr Morgan highlighted HPB consultation on decommissioning with a visit to the Parish on 2nd November at the Victory Hall. In February ‘23 that there is a Nuclear Fusion Conference in London.
  • Paddons Farm land transfer – No update from SWTC, Robert Alford is keen to understand how the two parcels of land should be left. There needs to be a meeting with SWTC Officers to resolve.
  • SIDs An application will have to be made to the Police Commissioners Office for funding.



The Vice Chairman raised the issue of the proposed shared cycle path and wished the Parish Council to object to the HPC proposals, which are detrimental to the environmental, unlike the original proposals from SCC. Following a discussion it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council object to the proposals as outlined. It should be maintained in its current state, but, as proposed by SCC ,be reclassified as a bridleway to connect Steart to Shurton, with minimum signage and a compacted surface, like that used on Steart Marshes, not a high speed cycle route, signed to motorway standards.


In relation to the Acoustic Fish Deterrent HOC are reviewing the situation following the recent loss of appeal.


A presentation regarding the decommissioning of B Station will be given at the next meeting.



  1. The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.
  2. The Financial Statement was noted. It was resolved unanimously that the Invoices for payment were to be settled. All payments will all be made online, by cheque or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
  3. The Half year Budget Monitoring Statement was received and noted.
  4. d) The outcome of the AGAR external audit 2021 to 2022 Section 3 was received and noted. The Clerk reported that it had been published as required.
  5. e) The Parish Council unanimously resolved to accept the offer of £75,000 external funding from the EdF Rural Car Park Fund. There will need to be work to be undertaken to release the funding by the Trustees of the Victory Hall Committee and a planning application to resolve any changes required to authorise the additional parking spaces for the Parish.
  6. f) Following a proposal from Cllr Searles, seconded by Cllr Goss, the Parish Council unanimously resolved to move £20,000 into the ear marked reserve contingency.


    a) Unitary Council for Somerset Update: The notes of recent Clerks update meeting had been circulated and were noted. No one had attended the recent Conference, but feedback had been given following the meeting at Nether Stowey regarding the LCN Consulktation.
  1. b) Housing Needs Survey Focus group: There had been no meeting since the last Council meeting.
  2. c) Parking issues. The Chairman and Vice Chairman had been in contact with the Community Safety Officer and a representative of Magna Housing regarding the land at Vicarage Road and Burgage Road. The Chairman had been in contact with Andy Coupe regarding Highways, but no liaison had been established between all the parties. It is hoped that will progress as until it does there is little to report back to a public meeting or the residents.



     HPC Main Site Forum                              20.10.22

Site Stakeholders Group                               28.10.22

Transport Forum                             17.11.22

Community Forum                          19.01.23

  1. Donation to the Parish Council. Following a guided tour of several visiting walkers by the Chairman and Cllr Searle a cheque for £50.00p had been received.
  2. Nominations close on 31.10.22 for the SCC Chairman’s Award. It was resolved by a majority to propose the members of the Community Speedwatch team. Action; Clerk
  1. Cllr Staddon had met with the Clerk and a contractor in the Allotments to obtain a quote for work to the raised bed inline with the grant funding, a further quote was to be obtained.
  2. In relation to the Old Pound it was resolved that area needed a clean up, with the old vegetation removed. Cllr Searle asked that new brackets for the flag poles to replace the old ones by purchased, which was unanimously agreed. The lengthsman would be asked to assist in the clean up.
  3. In relation to the allotments it was resolved by majority to serve notice on any one who had not paid their 2022/2023 rent and that the allotments would be subject to quarterly inspection and if found not to be being used the holder would be given a chance to improve the plot, hand it back or be served notice to quit. The waiting list shows the demand there is for plots in the Parish.

The Chairman had reported several potholes to the County Highways for action.


Cllr Jones had attended a recent meeting and spoken with the Coastal Path Officer regarding several issues in the Stolford area.



Cllr Ody reported on current matters:

  1. i)     Ongoing matters

Appendix B to the agenda was noted

  1.       ii)   New Applications
  2. a) 3/32/22/026 Erection of an agricultural livestock building on Steyning Manor, Cockwood, Stogursey, TA5 1RQ – No Objections
  3. b) 3/32/22/023 Replacement of games room and reception with erection of building to facilitate uses on Burton Springs Fishery & Campsite, Lawson Farm, Shurton Road, Stogursey, TA5 1QB – No Objections
  4. c) ABD/32/22/001 Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 1 No. dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development on land and buildings east of Burton Springs Fishing Lakes, Burton, Stogursey, Bridgwater, TA5 1QB – Site visit done, brining old building back into use, No Objections.
  5. d) 3/32/22/018 Application for Outline Planning with all matters reserved for the erection of 1 No. dwelling on land adjoining Wedgewood, Shurton Road, Stogursey, TA5 1QE – Infill, no objections
  6. e) 3/32/22/017 Change of use from stables, workshop and potting shed to Bistro with food prep area and an outdoor seating area with the provision of a disabled toilet and parking (retention of works already undertaken) on 27 Clayland Corner, Stogursey, TA5 1TS – Site visit done, issues with highway access as well as opening time issues to be raised, otherwise no objections.
  7. f) ABD/32/22/002 Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building into 1 No. dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development on Wick Pound House, Wick Lane, Stogursey, TA5 1TL – No Objections

ACTION: Clerk to forward responses



Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.00pm meeting at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.


The meeting closed at 21:43

APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 9th AUGUST 2022


Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 14th July 2022

Payments made since the last meeting on 14.6.22


Payee Amount


Payment details Details
R Wand 638.21 BP Clerk Salary May 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension)
HMRC 161.16 BP Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC May 22
NEST 54.99 DD Employee & Employer Pension Contribution May 22
S Foster 200.00 BP Mow n Strim Closed Churchyard


R Wand 186.06 BP Compost for Well Being Project (Grant funded)

Stationery/Laptop battery replacement & Software/Printer cartridges

GWB Services 142.00 BP BRPA Maintenance 11.4 & 26.4.22
Microsoft 11.28 DC Business 365 monthly fee
IONOS 5.99 DC Website hosting June 2022 (due 25.6.22)
J Foster 500.00 BP Mow and strim various roads/areas in the Parish 31.5.22
C Morgan 90.00 BP Travel Expenses January 22 to May 22
H.M. Land Registry 3.00 DC Land Search Fee

Payments due 12.7.22


Payee Amount


Pmt details /chq no Details
R Wand 638.01 BP Clerk Salary June 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension)
HMRC 161.36 BP Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC June 22
NEST 54.99 DD Employee & Employer Pension Contribution June 22
S Foster 600.00 BP Mow n Strim Closed Churchyard 1st 15th and 29th June 22


GWB Services 255.60 BP BRPA Maintenance 13th and 27th May, 20th  June 22
Microsoft 11.28 DC Business 365 monthly fee
IONOS 5.99 DC Website hosting June 2022 (due 25.7.22)


Receipts since last meeting


Bank Interest                          –              June 2022                                         £          0.63p