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Neighbourhood Development Plan Proposal Meeting

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A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 6 February 2020 from 7 – 8pm at Stogursey School. Parishioners are invited to attend to share ideas and discuss whether a Neighbourhood Plan is the way forward for the whole parish, including the hamlets. Residents will be asked what is important about living in the parish of Stogursey, what you like about the parish or the particular hamlet or village where you live, what you consider is important to preserve in the parish and what you would like to see in the future.

Residents will be asked to become part of the Steering Group that will put the plan together.

An approved Neighbourhood Plan produced by the local community has statutory powers, meaning Somerset West and Taunton District Council is obliged to take account of a Neighbourhood Plan when making planning decision within the parish boundaries.


Further details / reading can be found by following the links

Neighbourhood plan proposal

Useful information

Neighbourhood Plan Legalities