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Minutes 14th February 2023



Held at in the Quantock Room, Victory Hall, Stogursey.


Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Susan Jones, Cllr Jenny Ody, Cllr Helga Staddon and Cllr Allan Searle B.E.M.

In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk and 5 members of the public.



A resident spoke raising once again concerns over parking and the speed of vehicles in Burgage and Vicarage Roads They were assured that the Clerk would give a comprehensive response to the points raised.



Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Scott Nurton, and Cllr Gregor Millar.


22/133         MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 10th January 2023:

The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting had been circulated. They were proposed by Cllr Ford seconded by Cllr Ody and were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Vice Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.


No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.


No nominations for consideration.

    CCllr Woods and CCllr Davies written updates had been previously circulated to the members were noted. CCllr Davies highlighted several aspects of his written report in respect of the diversion of the Community Bus service due to the closure of Cleeve Hill, and the impact of the Recycling Regulation trial for businesses.
    There was no update from Cllr Morgan.



Still no further update on Paddons Farms S106 transfer issues. St Andrew’s Well the Clerk advises that S124 of the public Health Act 136 vests public wells used for the gratuitous supply of water in the District Council to which any issues should be addressed (moving to Unitary in April 2023).



The Vice Chairman  reported that the investigation of the recent A39 double decker bus crash was ongoing. There would be an abnormal load movement on 26th February of the reactor pressure vessel from Combwich Wharf to site. Accommodation at Pontins site at Brean is increasing and should hit approximately 1000 by Sumer 2023. The Old Argos site at Huntworth is to be used as a HPC Distribution Centre, like J23 site.


  1. The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.
  2. The Financial Statement was noted. It was resolved unanimously that the Invoices for payment were to be settled. All payments will all be made online, by cheque, direct debit or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
    1. It was resolved unanimously to purchase four additional grit bins to be located across the Parish and to write to HPC/Highways asking for the HPC circular works bus route from Claylands Corner through Stogursey, Burton and Shurton to Site to be gritted. ACTION: Clerk
    2. d) To consider the issuing of a commemorative mug or coin to parish primary school children to mark the Coronation of King Charles III. It was RESOLVED by a majority that in principle the Parish Council would issue a commemorative item to Primary School children of the parish.


    a)          Unitary Council for Somerset Update: Constitution agreed planning will be resolved by local committee for the old SWTC area, local plans will still apply. 18 LCN areas with 9 staff to administer and assist, the Monitoring Officer will call the initial meeting, probably in the mid summer.
  1. Housing Needs Survey Focus group: There had been no meeting since the last Council meeting.
  2. PCC – Cllr Jones updated on changes due to be implemented to the local deanery, which will see the Parish being covered by Cannington as Rev Nicky Morgan is moving away. St Peter’s Church Tower repairs will commence in early March.



HPC  Main Site Forum                              23.02.23

Site Stakeholders Group                               24.02.23

Transport Forum                             16.03.23

Community Forum                          18.05.23


  1. a) Street Trading Consultation ends 7.3.23 – It was felt to be reasonable and resolved that no Parish Council response would be submitted.
  2. b) Somerset Statement of Community Involvement ends 16.3.23, it was felt that there was a lack of opportunity for public representations in the published document on planning applications. This was a retrograde step from the way the District Council had been dealing with such matters. The document was lacking on the detail as to how things would be done and by whom, lots of words of good intentions but no detail on how they would be achieved.
  3. c) Correspondence on Parking issues raised within the public forum would be responded to by the Clerk.
  1. Cllr Staddon reported that the works had been completed in the allotments and she asked how the plot would be allocated. A discussion followed on the need to offer the opportunity for existing allotment holders to swop to the raised beds according to their needs and giving up their current plot. It was unanimously RESOLVED to charge a rent of £15 per annum on each of the raised beds and that monies would be ear marked in the reserves for future maintenance. All other plot holders would be encouraged to maintain their plots to a high standard or be told to hand them back for reallocation to those on the waiting list.
  2. To consider amendments to the Parish Welcome Pack, several amendments were discussed. It is hoped that the document can be finalised for publication once the Unitary Council has become a reality (1.4.23)
  3. BRPA – The condition of the swing was discussed following a report of a defect. The Clerk would arrange for GWB services to inspect and report back any issues found. ACTION: Clerk
  4. The bench at the eastern end of the Gravel was considered to be in an unsafe condition. The Clerk was asked to arrange removal to ensure public safety. ACTION: Clerk

Members highlighted that several areas that had suffered in the recent bad weather, especially the verge areas on many of the narrow lanes. Reports had been submitted to the Highways, though as yet no repairs had been implemented.

The speed limit signs at Culver Street were still to be renewed as this was preventing the Community Speed Watch from carrying out checks at Burton and Shurton.


Cllr Jones reported no issues of concern had been raised.


Cllr Ody reported on current matters:

  1. i)     Ongoing matters

Appendix B to the agenda was noted

  1.       ii)   New Applications;
  2. a) 3/32/22/031 for the replacement of building with the erection of a double garage to be used in connection with the dwelling with office over to be used in connection with the business on site at Hillside Farm, Cockwood, Stogursey, TA5 1RH. RESOLVED to support the application
  3. b) 3/32/22/032 Installation of a new domestic sewage treatment plant  at White Waves, Sharpham Lane, Stolford, Stogursey, TA5 1TN. RESOLVED to support the need for a separate sewage system, but wish the EA to consider if appropriate due to closeness of level 3 flood zone.
  4. c) 3/32/23/003Variation of Condition No’s. 2 (approved plans) and 15 (on-site sales) of application 3/32/22/013 on Lawsons Burgage, Little Lukes Farm, Shurton Lane, Stogursey, TA5 1QL. RESOLVED not to support due to concerns over additional traffic, rural nature of location being lost, and how would the 15% of sales be monitored.
  5. d) 3/32/23/002 Erection of first floor extension and single storey extension to the existing rear elevation plus external alterations at Treetops, 14 St Andrews Road, Stogursey, Bridgwater, TA5 1TE. RESOLVED to have no objections, but ask that planning officers consider any privacy issues occurring with neighbouring properties.

Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 7.00pm meeting at the Victory Hall, Stogursey.


The meeting closed at 20:55.


Signed: …..………………………………………….…..  (Chairman)                          Date: ……………………………………

APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 14th FEBRUARY 2023


Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 14th February 2023


Payments made since the last meeting on 10.1.23


Payee Amount


Payment Type Details
R Wand 650.51 BP Clerk Salary Dec 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension contributions)
HMRC 181.40 BP Employee tax & NIC (PAYE) & Employers NIC Dec 22
Play Insp Company 87.54 BP BRPA Annual Inspection and report
NEST 93.10 DD Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Dec 22
SLCC 52.30 DC The Clerk’s Manual
InknTonerUK 14.9 DC Printer cartridges
Microsoft 11.28 DC Business 365 monthly fee
IONOS 5.99 DC Website hosting Jan 2023 (due 25.1.23)
J Foster 4,600.00 BP Allotment works


Payments due 14.2.2023


Payee Amount


Payment Type Details
R Wand 650.51 BP Clerk Salary Jan 23 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension contributions)
HMRC 181.40 BP Employee tax & NIC (PAYE) & Employers NIC Jan 23
NEST 93.10 DD Employee & Employer Pension Contribution Jan 23
Microsoft 11.28 DC Business 365 monthly fee
IONOS 5.99 DC Website hosting February 2023 (due 25.2.23)

Receipts since last meeting


Bank Interest                          –              January 2023                                    £  54.84p


APPENDIX 2 SPC Minutes 14th FEBRUARY 2023

Balances as per bank accounts 31.12.22  
Treasurers Account £998.27  
Deposit Account £13,256.17  
Reserves & Grants Account £114,623.69 £128,878.13  
Plus Receipts – January 2023  
Treasurers Account £1,500.00  
Deposit Account £5.75  
Reserves & Grants Account £49.09 £1,554.84  
Less Payments – January 2023  
Treasurers Account £1,097.10  
Deposit Account £1,500.00  
Reserves & Grants Account £0.00 -£1,042.26  
Balances as per bank accounts 31.1.23  
Treasurers Account £1,401.17  
Deposit Account £11,761.92  
Reserves & Grants Account £114,672.78  
Less unpresented cheques £0.00  
Plus uncleared credits £0.00  
Available Funds at 31.1.2023 £127,835.87  
Balance as per cash book    
Treasurers Account £1,401.17  
Deposit Account £11,761.92  
Reserves & Grants Account £114,672.78  
Summary of Reserve Bank Account @ 31.1.2023  
1621.89 Ext Grant – Stogursey Oral History Project ]  
3859.27 Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme ]  
226.84 Ext Grant – Castle St Flood Scheme Contingency ]  
52417.00 Ext Grant – (from HPC) – Lenghtsman Scheme ] Not PC Funds  
1305.37 Fingerposts project grants ]  
7579.48 Ext Grant –  Growing for Health and Wellbeing ]  
0.00 Ext Grant – Re-Opening Safely & Reconnecting Communities]  
90.00 Allotment Refundable Deposits ]  
67099.85 Total External Grants   ]  
217.92 Interest to 31.1.23 Reserves a/c only
4500.00 Multi Sports Area
2000.00 SWTC Election Costs 2022/2027
550.01 Laptop
4000.00 BRPA essential maintenance
2000.00 Refurbish the Pound
5000.00 Grounds and maintenance
3600.00 Defibrillator (annual build-up of funds)
24530.00 Contingency
1175.00 Reopening Grant – Bench The Gravel
47572.93 Total PC funds