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Minutes 9.8.2022



Held at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.


Cllr Chris Morgan (Chair), Cllr Sue Goss (Vice Chair), Cllr Chris Ford, Cllr Susan Jones, Cllr Scott Nurton, Cllr Jenny Ody, Cllr Allan Searle B.E.M.

In attendance: Richard Wand, Parish Clerk, CCllr H Davies, CCllr R Woods and 2 members of the public.



The Chairman noted the recent death of Tony Harris, B.E.M. who did a lot of fundraising for the School and Charities in the Parish.

A member of the public raised a query over the litter on The Gravel, despite there being bins available. It was reported that a pilot scheme for more frequent emptying of the bins had commenced. Concerns were also raised regarding the opening of café, until late in the evening with more litter likely to result. Concerns were also raised over the weeds on St Audries Close, behind parked vehicles and the lane from St Andrew’s Road through to the High Street. The Lengthsman would be asked to address the issues by Cllr Searle.



Cllr Helga Staddon


22/48  MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 12th July 2022:

The draft minutes of the last parish council meeting had been circulated. They were proposed by Cllr Ford seconded by Cllr Searle and were unanimously AGREED for signature by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.


No further declarations of Interest and / or dispensations in addition to those already declared and available for public inspection on the Somerset West and Taunton Council website.

    The Chairman asked that an interview date be arranged before the matter was progressed. Action: Clerk

    CCllr Woods update had been previously circulated to the members which was noted. CCllr Davies commented on extracts from his previously circulated written report.
    Cllr Morgan highlighted concerns over Councillor safety, he had circulated information from the District Council to members earlier.
  • Paddons Farm land transfer – No update
  • SIDs The application to the SCF had been rejected, but an application could be made to the Police Commissioner’s Fund. The process requires data from speed detection sites in the parish, which is being sourced. The Community Speedwatch volunteers are no receiving support from Police Officers. Many speed signs are hidden by hedge growth or are in need of replacement. This has been repeatedly reported to Highways.



The Vice Chairman reported that HPB had now been totally shut down, decommissioning would commence, with three extra flask movements per week planned over a three-year period. The likely date for HPC Unit 1 to come on stream has been put back until 2027 with Unit to follow in 2028. Marine works were ongoing currently.


  1. The list of invoices for payment and monies received, (Appendix 1) and the Financial Statement (Appendix 2) had been forwarded to members before the meeting and are attached to these minutes.
  2. The Financial Statement was noted. It was resolved unanimously that the Invoices for payment were to be settled. All payments will all be made online, by cheque or by debit card. ACTION: Clerk
  3. Opening up Safely and Reconnecting Communities.

An application for £1,080 for outdoor furniture from the Victory Hall Committee was discussed. It was unanimously resolved to approve the grant using the last £920 of the external grant funding, supplemented by £160 from the Parish Council grant funding.

  1. d) The Parish Council resolved unanimously that in relation to St Andrew’s Well they would write to the occupants of the premises on either side to seek their assistance in removing the weed overgrowth growing from their properties onto the walls and structure. This would help ensure the integrity of the walls and enable any future inspection. Action Clerk
  2. e) In relation to an application for funding to support the annual Stogursey Flower Show, the Parish Council unanimously resolved to make a grant of £300. Action Clerk
  3. f) Following a proposal from Cllr Searles, seconded by Cllr Goss, the Parish Council unanimously resolved to move £20,000 into the ear marked reserve contingency.


    a) Unitary Council for Somerset Update: The notes of recent Clerks update meeting had been circulated and were noted.
  1. b) Housing Needs Survey Focus group: There had been no meeting since the last Council meeting.



HPC  Community Forum                          22.9.22

Main Site Forum                              20.10.22

Site Stakeholders Group                               28.10.22

Transport Forum                             17.11.22



The circulated list was noted.
a) Public Consultation on application to change how Hinkley Point stores radioactive waste, closes 14.8.22, was discussed.

  1. b) Stogursey Arts Festival, seeking permission to use The Gravel for art installations during the forthcoming arts week in September, agreed subject to risk assessment and Public Liability Insurance being in place.
  2. c) Vines Café seeking to use The Gravel for tables / seating. The Clerk had responded asking for various documents, policies and risk assessments, but had not received any response.



In respect of benches for The Gravel it was unanimously agreed to submit and expression of interest in using S 106 funding to add additional brown benches for The Gravel.

As was reported earlier in the meeting a pilot scheme had commenced increasing the number of collections in respect of the litter bins on The Gravel to assess the concerns raised.


The Chairman announced that a public meeting would be held in the Youth Club commencing at 18:30 on 23rd August involving the residents of Vicarage Road/Burgage Road, Highways, Police, Community Safety Officer and Magna Housing as well as County and Parish Councillors. Letters would be distributed by the Clerk.

Although car parking is not a legal matter for the Parish Council to address, they would try and assist to bring the parties together to try and find a way forward. The Parish Council would assist where possible to seek funding for any works that may be required. HPC are considering awarding £75K to local parishes experiencing parking issues, which may assist in the Parish.



The fingerpost at Monkton Hall Lane is still to be repaired or replaced, which the Clerk would update on as soon as possible.

The consultation on the shared cycle path from Combwich to HPC was expected to commence in September. It was hoped Andrew Goodchild would be able to attend either the September or October meeting to update the Parish Council.



Cllr Ody reported on current matters:

  1. i)     Ongoing matters

Appendix B to the agenda was noted

  1. ii) New Applications
  2. a) 3/32/22/020 The Bungalow, 13 Lime Street, Stogursey, TA5 1QR – No objections.
  3. b) 3/32/22/019 Installation of a stairlift, Fairfield House, Stogursey, Bridgwater, TA5 1PU – No objections.
  4. c) 3/32/22/013 Conversion with erection of extension and change of use of Class B1 building to a combined Class B1 and residential live/work unit, Lawsons Burgage, Little Luke’s Farm, Shurton Lane, Stogursey, TA5 1QL – Concerns that it was outside of the development area for the village and that if agreed that the mobile home should be removed.
    d) 3/32/22/022 Proposed storage of hazardous substances  Hinkley Point C, Hinkley Point Road, Stogursey, Bridgwater, TA5 1UF – No comment.

ACTION: Clerk to forward responses



Tuesday 9th August 2022 at 7.00pm meeting at the Youth Club, Victory Hall, Stogursey.


The meeting closed at  20:44

APPENDIX 1 SPC Minutes 9th AUGUST 2022


Schedule of Receipts and Invoices for Payment 14th July 2022

Payments made since the last meeting on 14.6.22


Payee Amount


Payment details Details
R Wand 638.21 BP Clerk Salary May 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension)
HMRC 161.16 BP Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC May 22
NEST 54.99 DD Employee & Employer Pension Contribution May 22
S Foster 200.00 BP Mow n Strim Closed Churchyard


R Wand 186.06 BP Compost for Well Being Project (Grant funded)

Stationery/Laptop battery replacement & Software/Printer cartridges

GWB Services 142.00 BP BRPA Maintenance 11.4 & 26.4.22
Microsoft 11.28 DC Business 365 monthly fee
IONOS 5.99 DC Website hosting June 2022 (due 25.6.22)
J Foster 500.00 BP Mow and strim various roads/areas in the Parish 31.5.22
C Morgan 90.00 BP Travel Expenses January 22 to May 22
H.M. Land Registry 3.00 DC Land Search Fee

Payments due 12.7.22


Payee Amount


Pmt details /chq no Details
R Wand 638.01 BP Clerk Salary June 22 (includes allowances, less PAYE & Pension)
HMRC 161.36 BP Employee tax (PAYE) & Employers NIC June 22
NEST 54.99 DD Employee & Employer Pension Contribution June 22
S Foster 600.00 BP Mow n Strim Closed Churchyard 1st 15th and 29th June 22


GWB Services 255.60 BP BRPA Maintenance 13th and 27th May, 20th  June 22
Microsoft 11.28 DC Business 365 monthly fee
IONOS 5.99 DC Website hosting June 2022 (due 25.7.22)


Receipts since last meeting


Bank Interest                          –              June 2022                                         £          0.63p